Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Weather Update

Weather Update

From: BOX Operations - NOAA Service Account [mailto:box.operations@noaa.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2016 4:35 AM
Subject: Winter Weather Advisories for a Wintry Mix Tuesday Night into Wednesday Morning

Good morning everyone,

Winter Weather Advisories have been issued with the expectation of a mainly sleet and freezing rain combination across interior Southern New England, especially the higher elevations of northern and western portions of Massachusetts including the Berkshire and Worcester Hills.

There is also the potential for strong to damaging winds overnight and through Wednesday that we continue to evaluate. Wind advisories may be necessary in the future.

A summary of details are below. No conference calls are planned at this time.

Sleet and Freezing Rain

Beginning shortly before midnight and continuing early morning hours Wednesday.
Greatest impacts to the high terrain of the Berkshires and Worcester Hills.
Upwards of a tenth of ice accretion possible.

Winter Weather Advisories in effect. 

Slick and slippery travel especially on untreated roads and surfaces.
Focus on northern and western Massachusetts for the Wednesday morning commute which could be greatly impacted.

It is quite possible that Winter Weather Advisories will need to be extended in time should freezing temperatures be slow to scour out.

Potential Strong to Damaging Winds

After 1 am Wednesday towards evening.
Southerly winds will be 50 to 60 mph roughly a few thousand feet aloft to which the anticipated moderate to possibly heavy rain ahead of the storm system may drag down to the surface.
Could see gusts 40 to 50 mph across the region.

Potential for downed limbs, weakened trees, and subsequent power outages.
Behind the storm system winds shift out of the west but continue to be strong. There is continued potential for 40 mph wind gusts.

Wind Advisories may be needed for the entire forecast period. Will continue to evaluate later today.


Overall moderate, possibly some heavier pockets and a rumble or two of thunder.
Roughly 0.50 - 1.00 inch of rain anticipated.
No flooding impacts and rivers are expected to remain within their banks.

You can find the latest forecasts of snow and ice accumulation, as well as reasonable "best" and "worst" case scenarios, on our Winter Weather page: www.weather.gov/boston/winter

Should you have any additional questions, comments, and/or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


Benjamin Sipprell

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