Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Candidates Night

Candidates Night



  1. This is your chance to get to know who you will be able to have for your Selectmen for the next few years. Oh yes, lets vote for someone because you think they are nice ! No, find out why they are running. Is it for the money ? Some of these people want to get paid !! With what money is what I want to know ? You have too much to loose and more to gain, so attend. I will cjeck to see if it will be televised.

  2. I hope to see you tonight!

    Vote Farrell for Selectmen
    Vote Farrell for Board of Health

  3. I am truly sorry this was not televised. We worked from 6 to 11, going through the budget. I do know John Columbus wants to get rid of me from the Advisory Board. I doubt he wants Will Spring either. We had no one to ask as for questions, and the Selectman's office wants you to think everything is just peachy. They have refused to give us answers to questions, or documentation that we requested. The budget has changed so many times your head would spin. So for the people who like things quiet, I am sorry. This is not my doing, and I do not want this aggravation either. We cannot let them trample all over our rights of free speech.

  4. Candidate night will be on the town cable channel to view when you want.

    1. I saw the Gardner News story this Morning. The girl from the paper did not understand what Jeff was telling everyone about when he came home from the sand box. He is our good old Jeff now, walking in his dad's shoes, only better in this age of computers.

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  8. The person behind the huff n puff posts will not contact me with a identity.
    Simple all you and huff need to do is contact me at
    That's so we know who you are and be able to contact you if posts are put up you didn't do.
    It's for everyone's protection including you!

  9. So why didn't JSchrecke email me either ?
    Not a hard thing to do for the people who only put up comments in their own names.
    It's the few who post crap comments in others names that ruin it for us all.
    That always seems to be the way!!!
