Wednesday, April 27, 2016

RIP Templeton Center

RIP  Templeton Center

The well attended Zoning Board of Appeals meeting was held last night in the Kiva.

Long story short, the Dover amendment trumps any and all local zoning bylaws. ( So why have any zoning bylaws at all?)

Interesting questions were asked last night, like:

Why did the original school building committee reject the Templeton Center School site?

Answer: After espousing the litany of the land searches, the original building committee rejected the Templeton Center School site because THE SITE WAS TOO SMALL.

Why is there a height requirement in the Village district?

Answer: After some fumbling, the chairman of the Planning Board said something about the need for a height requirement in the Village district was to PRESERVE THE RURAL CHARACTER OF THE VILLAGE DISTRICT.

So at 7:10 pm the ZBA made a unanimous vote to approve the variance for the elementary school project.

No worries though. There will be a "Say Goodbye to Templeton Center" Event on Sunday  May 22, 2016. 

Coming soon to this blog - "Tips on ways to avoid  Templeton Center". Please submit your ideas to

RIP  Templeton Center



  1. There is an old saying that goes like this I think, a democracy can be looked at as two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner. A Constitutional Republic is a well armed sheep. In the Templeton Center School vote people did not show up to vote and democracy won the day.

  2. I think it is important to point out no variance was voted on. The ZBA only voted on whether the Dover issue applies in this case. As our Lawyer explained it to us all the financial issue of a change makes this Dover case valid!
    Pure and simple the people who voted for the school in this location made our choice for us when they voted.

  3. My husband has a saying, "The people get the government they deserve." So you did not make a effort to stand up for yourselves, but I understand why. After getting burned by the school people when you voted NO, three times, and it still turned out to be a yes, I guess I would be discouraged also. The reality is, you can not sit back and let these people ruin your town. You have to have people who will work for you, not against you. Do you know that we may have a deficit for 2013 ? Do you also know in FY17, there is/was $509,759.00 of new money, and of that amount 4400,000.00 PLUS has been used up by four items. Health Insurance, retirement costs, Monty. Tech and the Narragansett School District. The increase in state aid went to education. So with what do we run the Town on ?? Watch the Advisory Board meeting tonight at 6:00. Oh, one more thing, al that new money, I think most of it was from the solar farm on Farnsworth Road, so I do not think you wil see a figure that high again. Just my opinion.

  4. it's "FOR THE CHILDREN"!! just watch all test scores go up !!!! ya right, as soon as we get a charter school or two in the area. government schools don't work!!!!

  5. I do think there will be a number of people who will not be able to make it financially in this town. Who will go to this school ? By the time this is paid off, they will want another one.

    1. I am glad Gladys is not here to see this. She would have been so upset, to say the least.
