Tuesday, April 26, 2016

ZBA Meeting... TONIGHT!

ZBA Meeting... TONIGHT!... 6:30 pm...  KIVA

On April 26th, there will be a joint meeting with the ZBA and the Planning Board. The meeting will be the first meeting concerning the new Elementary School.

This is an important meeting and we urge anyone who lives near or travels through the area to attend and voice your opinions for the good of our town. It is important for us all to have a total discussion and voice now or forget it in the future as you will have lost your chance to be heard. 

             NRHS KIVA Room at 6:30 pm,  NOT the Town Hall!

Red Rover Update

 A few weeks ago a blog was posted about the Dover Amendment :

Red Rover, Red Rover Send Dover Right Over

Today a comment was posted that is of interest:

The Dover Amendment (state statute) provides that school projects in Massachusetts are exempt from local zoning regulations under most circumstances. I was asked to consult Town Counsel to determine whether the Building Inspector or the Zoning Board is the proper entity to determine if the Dover Amendment is applicable. The design for the school provides for a height that exceeds the zoning requirement by approximately 1.5 feet; if the Dover Amendment applies, the school building may exceed the zoning regulation.

It has been determined that the proper entity to make the decision is the Zoning Board of Appeals. The ZBA has scheduled an open public hearing for April 26. 

Looks like there WILL be a ZBA meeting after all! 


Why do the zoning regulations have a height restriction for the Village Districts in Templeton? 

What department promoted the Zoning by laws so they would pass at town meeting?

Why was town Counsel asked to determine the applicability of the Dover Amendment in regard to the site for the Elementary School, but Town Counsel was never asked reviewed  the $50 million dollar contract for the Elementary School?

Maybe people will want to attend this meeting and ask some questions? Maybe?

Specifically, the Dover Amendment states that “[n]o zoning ordinance or by-law shall prohibit, regulate or restrict the use of land or structures for religious purposes or for educational purposes on land owned or leased by the [state], or by a religious sect or denomination, or by a nonprofit educational corporation” — except that reasonable restrictions in eight specified areas may be imposed so long as these restrictions do not unduly hinder the religious or educational use. Those eight areas of permissible zoning restriction are: bulk of structures, height of structures, yard sizes, lot area, setbacks, open space, parking and building footprints.1


  1. This is your chance to be heard about the location for the new elementary school.

    Maybe you will discover why the zoning for the village district has a height restriction. Why is that? Why restrict the height of buildings in the Village District?

    Maybe it was to preserve the character of the village district? Who really knows?

  2. I have not heard one person say having the school put here is a good idea. The only happy person was the Superintend of Schools, Hemmen, the night of the election. What the hell, he does not live here, and does not pay a dime in taxes. For your info. There are people on our Select. Board who do not pay a dime. Isn't it ironic that they are more than willing to spend your money for you.

    1. Just a note, it does seem that someone wants our Fire Chief out. Yes, the man who has put together a first class group of responders. Ray. has been working for next to nothing, even working a double shift on the weekend to make ends meet. This is so wrong !! My guess is that they will bring Bankowski back, and sink their teeth into the money the Fire Dept. gets. Are you going to let this happen ?? I hope the hell not!!

    2. We do have options besides the center of town. Do you know the Town owns land behind the houses on Wellington Road ? It was the land that they used for the Templeton Inn's septic and the drainage for some of the houses on South Road. There is access on Barre Rd. There are at approx. 22ac. In Otter River there is about 9ac. where the Otter River School was. This is where the school should go. Get some land off Wellongton, you would have a in or out on Barre Rd. That would leave the school alone. T.C. would make a beautiful Town Hall.

    3. Oh guess what someone told me ? They don't want to get involved. This is the reality as I see it. When you decided to come to this town, part of your responsibility should be to take part in discussions to keep the town solvent, provide for the care of it's kids and seniors, and make sure it grows in a responsible way. Don't want to get involved ? Do you know they call me and Julie troublemakers ?? Give me a break ! Julie Farrell is one of the reasons we are in a TOWN HALL !! After 250 years. Julie, her husband Pete., Jeff. Bennett, Will Spring, David Smart, Ashley Bird and her husband Kevin, all contributed to making sure the Town had everyone,(almost) under one roof. Julie spent her spring, summer and fall vacations painting the rooms in Town Hall. Jeff and Will. with Dave's help kept the roof dry so it would make it through the winter. David was laid off from the Highway and used his time to help move from Athol Road to E.T. I did windows and plant flowers at Gladys's stone. Do I need this aggravation?? No !! I do not. My husband is the best grower in the area, but people will not do business with us because of all of this crap. I want to stay in my house. Will I be able to afford to ?? This does not look good, but I am sure I am not alone. It is important that you vote for David. The Light and Water need a transfusion in the worst way. Vote for Julie and Jeff. I told him if he thinks he will get sent away again, I will break his legs.

    4. To be fair, and I do try to be, I think Ken. and Dianne sent sandwiches to E.T. one day. What ever happened to Ken ? This is a first ! Never have I heard of a Selectman walking away during the middle of his term. Why wasn't there a rush to fill his seat, like when Virginia quit ?? We could not afford a election then, but we had one anyway. Come to the meeting tonight, and to candidate's night Thursday. You need to know who you are voting for.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Just for the record Bev thank you for your kind words.
    The move for the town hall was done after we returned to work from the furlough the town employees went through. Prisoners from Shirley helped and also helped with the paint job. Your Highway crew did the majority of the moves with their help. After the vault was done we also brought the clerks office and contents to the "New" town hall
    I did donate 3 weeks of my time during the period we were out of work.
    Out door cleanup/remove pipes from old heat system to make it cheaper to install the new system and other misc projects.
    But yes the real credit goes to Wil Spring for not giving up and multi times replacement of the tarp or the roof leaking would have finished the building off.
    Many people asked me why bother? Just let someone else do it,they furloughed you screw them. My answer was i wanted to help others who cared and take interest in Templeton.
    To allow the ET school to fail would be a crime that we together could prevent.
    WE DID!
    Now we can look at a building with as much purpose as any around. To look at it and see it's function is reward enough for me.
    No one has to drive by and see a building falling into the earth because people didn't know enough to care.
    With all the negativity during the process it would have been easy to say screw it and stay home. Some of us just don't give up!
    Many Thanks to Wil Spring who just didn't give up.

    1. I am proud to have you all as friends. Thru thick and thin but the Town has to start running this like a business, not a gigantic credit card. I went to a Town Meeting in Phillipston a couple of years ago. Why do they have money in the bank, and money in stabilization ? Maybe their leaders have the nerve to be truthful with their citizens, and let them make good business decisions. Don't tell them nothing is wrong when nothing is right. Watch the Advisory Board Meeting tomorrow night at 6:00 P.M. for the real truth.
