Monday, April 25, 2016

Free Cash ...Again!

Free Cash ...Again!

So what's all this I hear about Free cash?

In a recent post, Pay off Debt or Lower Taxes,
The Gardner city council and the Mayor were debating the best use of free cash.

Archival research from this blog:

"The real question is, who made the decision to use Free Cash, former Town Accountant, past administration, past Select Boards? 

Let's see the past repeat itself!  Let's continue to support the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen who endorses the use of Free Cash to supplement the operating budget and throws taxpayers out of a public meeting for disagreeing with him!


  1. Would you be happy to know your rate money is going to be used to buy back sick time from employee's?
    If you had to guess which departments could do such a thing before you retire who would you pick?
    Not Highway
    Not Sewer
    Not Cemetery
    Yep it is another enterprise.
    Who has enough money just sitting around to fund such an idea?
    Who could care less how it gets spent?
    So many questions and no commissioners to get the real answers you need.
    You should ELECT one you can get answers from!

  2. that is his father inlaws backhoe

  3. Do is Stupid:
    Please contact me at
    I have questions about your identity.
    Any further posts will be removed if not.
