Friday, June 10, 2016

Fluoride Warning Issued for Infants

Fluoride Warning Issued for Infants


  1. Fluoride is poison. Fluoride was a poison yesterday. Fluoride is a poison today. Fluoride will be a poison tomorrow. Let's face it the majority of us are cowards, that is why we allow poison to be given to infants and do nothing about it. We live in a country where we allow the State to do terrible things to those around us including us of course. The reason we do nothing is because most of us live off a system of made up jobs and lives created by a State that needs to control us as individuals by keeping the money and power in the hands of the very rich. Water fluoridation is just one aspect of how we have come to accept our bondage. This is not what Western Civilization and our history have given us. We are living a lie and with that lie we have given up the hope that was inherent with our forefathers dreams. "When in doubt get it out."

  2. Replies
    1. What part of "poison" don't people understand ? I would not want to be found responsible for adding fluoride to the water supply. When push comes to shove, who in Town is liable ??

  3. So when do our BOH members get the call about the warnings needed?
    Will they own up to the changes the ADA has adapted or continue the poison practices they are obviously unwilling to research themselves?
    If they don't see the results and after the first law suit can those affected have a voice at town meeting or will they fall in the path of the "closed minded" majority.
    Like i tell those i tell about the fluoride issues. Can't say we didn't tell you.
    Thank you Pete and Julie for not giving up on the closed minded majority here in Templeton. It's all about the kids and some day they will be forced to understand if not poisoned to the point they no longer can understand.
    I request Templeton voters view the video and after pull your heads out of the sand.
    Remember we told you it's about the kids. Your kids will find out you did nothing some day and what would they think of you then?
    Just watch the video.

  4. I invite Tom J. to view and leave a comment or two.
    Being so out spoken and wise he should be one who could get the closed minded to view it also. Perhaps we could request it shows at the next Town meeting and let everyone know the Farrell didn't make the video. Along with the facts that over 2200 other cities and towns stopped the use in the drinking water after the research taught them what our towns people refuse to believe. Maybe the children will be taught this in school and bring the facts home to the parents who allow the poison.

  5. Unfortunately Dave the schools are part of the problem. Schools actually promote water fluoridation and some even place the fluoride paste on the children's teeth in a new program to poison our children. According to Dr. Patricia Bragg of the Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar fame oral application of the fluoride paste that is much more concentrated than tooth paste has been associated with oral cancers. I'll post the first part of the article in the box below.

  6. Fluoride Facts Studies show that fluoride in all its uses, including public drinking water, causes cancer: from
    Fluoride Facts
    Studies show that fluoride in all its uses, including public drinking water, causes cancer:
    • The overwhelming evidence shows that fluoridation is causing an increase in bone cancer and deaths among males under 20.
    • The growing increase in bone cancer attributable to fluoridation may also be due to an increase in osteosarcoma caused by fluoride.
    • The overall preponderance of evidence shows that fluoridation is causing an increase in oral (mouth) cancer among human populations. Don't use fluoride toothpastes, or give your dentist consent to do fluoride gel treatments or use fluoride polishing paste.
    Fluoride has been linked to many health problems:
    • Bone and oral cancers in animals and humans.
    • An ability to inhibit the DNA repair enzyme system.
    • It accelerates tumor growth.
    • It inhibits the immune system.
    • It causes genetic damage in a number of different cell lines and induces melanotic tumors, fibrosarcomas, etc. Other tumors and cancers strongly indicate that fluoride has a generalized effect of increasing them overall. According to our estimates, over 10,000 people in the United States die of cancer each year due to fluoridation of public drinking water.
    More Shocking Fluoride Updates!

    Hip Fracture Rate Highest in U.S.: Fluoridation of our water is weakening our bones, slowly but surely.
    - U.S. National Research Council and Townsend Letter for Doctors.
    Fluoride and Osteoporosis: Seniors living in areas with elevated fluoride levels in drinking water suffer up to 41% more hip fractures. In a study of 3,578 senior citizens, those who lived in areas with fluoridated water had a much greater risk of hip fractures.
    - Journal of the American Medical Association
    Fluoride and Bone Cancer: One study concluded that males under the age of 20 who live in areas with fluoridated water were six times more likely to suffer from bone cancer than males who don't.
    - New Jersey Department of Health
    The Deadly Costs of Fluoridation: When a claimed 20% decrease in tooth decay is compared to a 600% increase in bone cancer or a 41% increase in hip fractures, when the cost of a tooth filling is compared to the cost of a hip fracture or cancer treatment, it is obvious that the human and economic costs of fluoridation are staggering.
    - Health Action Network

  7. I think the problem Pete is the 7 minutes or less it takes to view this video information will be information overload for the child protectors the parents.
    With the only information they agree with coming from Crocker BOH and paid speakers.
    Why would they divert from the thought of what a cavity will cost them. Without Fluoride won't all the children's teeth fall to the ground the day after the poison is removed.
    Will our society become intelligent once again and begin litigation for the lies and myths fed us by so many. Will the fluoride industry have a fund set up like the asbestos fund has. Will it have Trillions not just billions. They will need it and then some. If our government has the most blame for the damage done we will just need to have them start printing more money to give to compensate their victims.
    Would a class action lawsuit be a better way to get the fluoride out?
    Do our local BOH , TMLWP , and dental professionals have enough in savings to defend such a poor practice and promotion of this poison program?
