Thursday, June 9, 2016

             WOOD Anyone want WOOD

     Prep work for this seasons road improvements on Hubbardston Road has begun on 6/6/16. The highway
         department wi
ll begin cutting trees and brush. Please use caution in the area of Hubbardston road during this
          time. Tree cutting is pl
anned for Monday 6/6/16 till completed.
Trees that are cut are available to the public and will be left on the road side. Please DO NOT pick up any trees
efore 3:PM while the crew is still working
The highway department will post ON THE TEMPLETON HOMEPAGE,where tree cutting will be done .
Please use caution in these areas until crews have cleared the area.
As we repair and reconstruct Hubbardston road for "your" safety please slow down in work zones to insure "ours".
A detour of this section will be anticiapated  for a safer work zone for Templeton highway crew and also the safety of the public.


  1. In the old days, if you owned the land abutting the area cut, the wood was yours. Has our Tree Warden had a hearing on the trees that are going to be cut ??

  2. Almost all the wood has been cut on the property across from the homes in the area.
    As with all wood cut if the home owners want it they can take it. If wood is seen on the lawns of the homes in the area you should ask the home owner for permission to take it.
