Friday, July 8, 2016

10 Facts about Fluoride



1 comment:

  1. Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. Fluoride violates all four posits of Western Civilization. Posit one follow the science to its logical end point. Fluoride has been found to not work when ingested. Fluoride is a poison that causes harm to the body not just dental fluorosis but also cancer, heart disease, arthritis and a whole host of other problems. The science has shown ingesting fluoride is rather stupid. Posit two: fluoride violates our rights as individual sovereigns. Because of a system of government that allows the majority to poison the minority, fluoride is ignorantly placed in our water systems making it near impossible to avoid. Posit three: One of the great things of Western Civilization is its adherence to the ten commandments. fluoride has killed many over the years and the lying that needed to be done to get us sheep to drink it must certainly violate our system of morals. Posit four: is accepting the consequences of eating from the tree of knowledge. If we truly wish to be a part of our Western Civilization then we must accept correcting problems that we encounter as we are responsible for our actions, being responsible means making corrections when found, Fluoridaton is a mistake that needs correcting. I hope you will agree there is nothing about water fluoridation that is congruent with our Western Civilization way of life. When in doubt get it out.
