Friday, July 8, 2016

Shedding Some Light

Shedding Some Light

New Business 
TMLWP Meeting Light Department Minutes 

 ... so $100,000 this year and $500,000 next year in surplus funds from Millstone 3 And Seabrook 4, 5, and 6  and yet no PILOT payment?

 Still owe $48,294.29 for FY 16.


  1. Who said you were being overcharged.
    Why that was me.
    And hear this you still are being overcharged.
    They rip off the town and the customers.

  2. It would be very interesting to see the way the TMLWP books show what they charged off for the cost of electricity for the municipal buildings and street light bills.
    If they charged off the 55k pilot never received or what the total other income was for the years working for the state at the ferncol area.
    We paid plenty to inspect the two water tanks on state property we don't own.
    Transparency is getting cloudy again over there.
    Could it be time to shake things up a bit over there again Dana.
    Nice to see the last 6 months worth of meeting minutes finally posted.
    Who thought that would be done correctly is wrong.
    June is a interesting meeting if you read the minutes posted you'll see.
