Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Double Down the Smackdown ? TONIGHT!!

 Double Down the Smackdown ? 


KIVA @ 6:30 pm

The Planning Board will hold a meeting in the Kiva tonight to meet with town counsel to discuss the New School Site Plan vote. 

No pressure! 

Will there be any changes to the information and the design presented to the Planning Board? 

Who will be blamed if a child is hurt due to the unsafe conditions of the proposed site plan?

Whatever your position is on the new school, come see for yourself intimidation in action.



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    1. Kind of like the school people who would not take NO for a vote and brought the same issue up 4 times until they got enough people to vote yes. You people should be ashamed of yourselves, Especially DHB who claims she is here for the town, That obviously is a lie

  2. Why would they have to vote yes, when it is just wrong?

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  3. LMAO, thank good we have at least 4 board members in this town who CARE about Templeton. These 4 planning board members deserve a huge congratulations for doing the RIGHT thing instead of being yes men for the idiots in town.

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    2. Option?? they are the Planning board for a reason, You School people really show your intellect.
      They vote what is right or wrong, NOT what you people want.

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  4. You people can't be serious!!?? Do you really have no regard or care for the youth of this town? We are in obvious need of a new school yet you would rather see these poor kids indefinitely miss placed. In case you didn't realize it the youth are our future. With out this new school get ready for this town to become a ghost town. I know I will be looking for a new home where there community cares for the youth of their town.

    1. We do Need a school, But lets DO IT RIGHT, the right location, 1 maybe 2 stories high. This location with a 3 story school is just absurd. not to mention $50 million, get a group with some common sense and this town could build a great school.

    2. So you would rather lose the grant money to build the school because you don't like the location? I believe that there were a few other places that were looked at and for one reason or other they were voted down. From my understanding this is the last option or lose the grant money. So maybe just suck it up and deal with it.

    3. True. So basically you want to just settle on a site rather than do what's best for Templeton center.
      Remember this building was voted down 3 times before they called every parent and told them to come vote.
      There are a lot if lies told to make people believe. Taxes are going up way more than they lead you to believe. Not to mention drainage etc. That will add millions to the project

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  5. Puffy,

    I mean Dr. Hemman?
    You know the rules.
    Contact Dave Smart to post to the blog.
    JMT and DO is STUPID same thing. You too bigdogs!


    For some reason DO is amusing today...

    Definition of INSANITY -
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

    What has changed since the last meeting?

    New parking and drainage plans? More outdoor space for children to play? Keep the traffic pattern the same?

    The One way traffic pattern was rejected in the past - not just because of money, but because it was and is UNSAFE! DUNDERHEADS indeed!

    So let's re-open the hearing and submit the EXACT SAME PLAN and expect different results because of all the trash talking on social media.

    Trash talking on social media doesn't make this site plan any better.
    The job of the Planning Board is review the site plan.

    How many buses will needed to get 500 kids to this school? About 12-15 full length buses not including the vans.

    68 parking spaces for faculty. How many staff will this marvelous edifice have? There are teachers, administrators, custodians, cafeteria workers, school nurse, guidance counselor, plus the paras!Don't even think about the volunteers!

    If parking were the only issue, then maybe the town could take the church and the cemetery by eminent domain and put the parking there! /s

  6. As for the TRUTH, PUFFY, you wouldn't know the truth if it came up and hit up the side of your head.

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  7. It appears that the only people who think the Templeton Center location is a fine fit are those who do not live in town or rent and don't have to pay the big bill when it comes due for a school built on a postage size lot. Why are we settling on such a poor location? I personally don't think a new school is the way to go but if I were in favor of a new school and I am not it certainly would not be in Templeton Center where all the neighbors are against said location. I commend the Planning Board for their refusal to sign on to this "lets put some lipstick on this pig and get er done." It is my opinion that as an elected official you do not have to sign anything that you don't believe in, of course there is always a way around such a situation such as a recall of your office or the Selectmen just take over your job for you. If the Planning Board believes that this location is not in the best interest of the town then it is my opinion that the town's people should support their elected officials by not signing on to any recall effort. Should the Board of Selectmen decide that they will step in and do the Planning Boards job then a recall effort should be considered against those Selectmen who decide to overide the Planning Boards vote.

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  8. Your are wrong. I do not rent and I do live in town. I already feel that my taxes are ridiculously high for a town that offers virtually nothing. At least with a new school I would have a decent place to send my children when they are old enough but for now it seems my only option is to school choice to a district that cares about there education and well being. I wish the older generation in this town cared about the children of this communty half as much as they care about the money they hope to be buried with.

    1. I might add that a 50 million dollar school is not going to teach your kids. It all starts at home.

    2. No a building is not going to teach my kids but the teachers having the classroom neccecary to actual teach their class might be helpful

  9. JMT,

    A new building shows we "care". Teachers/parents educate children, not buildings. Should we require all "home schooled" children live in new homes? How could they possibly get proper education in a 200 yr old house?
    JMT should write Harvard and let them know old buildings ruin education.

    A 50 million dollar school will wreck the town on top of our present financial issues.....

    1. To compare a college such as Harvard to an elementary school is absurd. I can assure you that Harvard has not allowed their 200 year old buildings to fall into the disrepair that Templeton has allowed for their elementary schools.

    2. JMT,

      Thats the problem with all "our" town stuff. Nobody maintains it. The maintenance gets cut. How are we going to afford the maintenance on a $50 million dollar building, maintain Narragansett high/middle, town offices, equipment, water towers, etc while paying for the loans on those same items. You think we can, well look at our financial history now. We have no bond rating, not ability to borrow, 3 years outstanding audits, $1million in debt from 2013. This doesn't include how many overrides in the past few years? All this while letting the small schools we have now fall into disrepair.

      You say I dont "care" because I'm not willing to spend, spend, spend on bad plans (wood boiler, windmill).
      I care about the community you plan on leaving to the kids! Will todays kids be able to live here, buy a home, get a job...........Not with our tax rates going through the roof.......

    3. the SCHOOL DEPARTMENT/COMMITTEE are the ones that let the buildings fall apart, as long as the administration was highly paid is all they cared about, they have NEVER BEEN FOR THE KIDS, that is why this is such a touchy subject here in town.

  10. JMT August 23, 2016 at 7:10 PM

    To compare a college such as Harvard to an elementary school is absurd. I can assure you that Harvard has not allowed their 200 year old buildings to fall into the disrepair that Templeton has allowed for their elementary schools.

    EXACTLY ..."allowed the schools to fall into disrepair"

  11. School and education are two different animals. Education is a great investment in our youth. School is training received to support your enslavement. Education involves learning the truth. School involves learning someone else's truth one that in fact may be a huge lie. Here Gatto puts it quite eloquently: Schooling

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    3. You know puff puff you guys keep dwelling on the traffic, that is just a small piece of what is wrong with the project.
      It is illegal to tell a board they HAVE TO VOTE A CERTAIN WAY, if that were the case why have any boards at all looking out for the good of the town.
      My heart aches for all the residents of South road and Wellington roads. Maybe Diane Brooks can convince newcomers to town to purchase your houses from her. After all her goal is to make Templeton better, she's off to a bad start.

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    6. No one is going to come to live in Templeton. I have a friend who wanted to move back to Town, but she didn't because of our financial affairs. JMT has a real awakening on the horizon. The only reason the schools are a mess is because the administration refused to fix them. The "make them look as bad as you can, so we can push for a new one", is why things are the way they are. Now when reality hits everyone between the eyes, and they can't make ends meet, I can say "we tried to tell you." When mom and dad are packing the truck, they can explain it's because the tax rate is our of reach, and the American dream has turned into a nightmare. Thank you very much Puffy, you coward.
