Monday, August 22, 2016

Meetings the Week of August 22, 2016

Meetings the Week of August 22, 2016

Monday 8/22/16
BOS                          PCS Town Hall*               6:30 pm

Tuesday 8/23/16
Town Clerk             PCS Town Hall*               8:00 am
Assessors                PCS Town Hall*               4:00 pm        
Elem.School           PCS Town Hall*               6:30 pm     
Planning                 KIVA                                  6:30 pm

Wednesday 8/24/16
BOS                 PCS Town Hall*              6:00 pm
Fire Chief interviews

ZBA                        PCS Town Hall*              7:00 pm

* Pauly Cosentino Sr. Town Hall


  1. Any news on how the "planning board push" went?

  2. Pretty sure some arms were twisted this weekend.

    Be sure to attend tomorrow's meeting.

    Heard a good one tonight at the selectmen meeting. The delay for the police station is due to the planning board's NO vote for the site assignment. The police property is being used for parking for faculty. The drainage plans for the police department is dependent on the elementary school project.

    Thought they were two separate votes? Who knew?

    Apparently the only thing people seem to agree on is the location is really bad and the town needs a new school.

    Any wagers?

    Will the planning board rubber stamp the elementary school project?

    If the planning board approves the site, then God forbid any kid who gets hurt up there. Can you hear it now? Why did the planning board approve a site that they knew was unsafe?

  3. I suure hope the planning board golds the line. The location is terrible. The Dover Amendment is void based on the parking as mentioned by the planning board IMO, but this towns school can turn multiple NO's into a Yes, so anything is possible for schools............even stupid things
