Tuesday, August 16, 2016

OMG! Templeton has a water ban!

Templeton Water Ban

Water Ban Notice of August 15, 2016 Press Release from Templeton Municipal Water Plant

To All Templeton Municipal Water Plant Customers:
On Friday, August 12, 2016 the Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Division of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts declared the following drought level throughout the state: a Drought Warning for Central and Northeast Massachusetts. A Drought Warning is the next step up in severity from the Drought Watch declaration made in July 2016. This new August declaration was made as a result of a recommendation issued at a recent meeting of the state’s Drought Management Task Force, comprised of both state and local officials, and shall remain in effect until water levels in these affected regions return to normal.

The Templeton Municipal Water Plant is requesting of all of its water customers that they suspend any unnecessary outdoor use of municipal water until the state’s Drought Warning status has been down-graded to a less severe condition according to the EEA.

The Templeton Municipal Water Plant thanks its water customers in advance for their anticipated cooperation during this water shortage event in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (View PDF Download)

John M. Driscoll
General Manager

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