Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Smackdown! Today at 5:30 pm in the Kiva

Today at 5:30 pm in the Kiva

The Templeton Elementary School Building Committee will hold a meeting in the Kiva tonight to discuss a course of action after the Planning Board refused to rubber stamp the elementary school project.

Last week the planning board voted 4-2 to reject the site for the new elementary school project.

 Reasons given for the site rejection:  lack of adequate parking; snow removal issues; lack of an outside recreational area; dismissal times; inability to host large events ; drainage easements; traffic flow and congestion; inadequate lane width for farm equipment and logging trucks up Wellington road; failure to do proper traffic studies and accident analysis.

So the taxpayers will be left with funding town counsel expenses to sort this particular mess out. God forbid a board not rubber stamp a project!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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    2. These are the same people who would walk out of Town Meeting, after their article's were done, to leave us older people to try to figure out how to make ends meet. Where was Diane and her loyal followers ? On Facebook, telling each other how wonderful they are ! Oh yes, really really great !

  2. I have to wonder how many site assignments the Planning Board has voted down in the past 3 years or the past 5 years?

    It appears a majority of the Planning Board thinks this particular LOCATION is bad. Why was the Planning Board the last board the Elementary School Building Committee went before for approval?

    There were a number of people who thought and still think Templeton Center is a bad location, because it IS a bad location.

  3. My Hat goes off to those who voted their mind and not just because they were told to by the town wide voters. The Templeton check and balance worked this time in the end. So i guess the fact that this location was only being used for a place holder did pan out in the end. After all that was the reason it was chosen and never meant to be used. So i guess Templeton has not figured out how to pick a property but now they will know the correct process to use next time. I think there is land nearby that is suitable now available prior to this choice. So we self fund and build what we want not what the state tells us we have to build. 25 million would build enough for Templeton for now! Stop school choice down size the admin and boom were better off.
    Or we could invite a charter school into town to pick up the slack and offer some competition. I think they come with extra funding and the whole ball of wax?
    Would Philipston have a need for a newer school building soon have they changed their minds or needs to pitch in for it?
    Is it time to do a split and go it alone or link up with another district.
    Times may need to change sooner than later.
    Where will the kids call home for a school?

  4. Drove by school on way home and noticed a decent amount of cars in parking lot. Hope its good news............maybe someone will post?

  5. The whole Idea of using that location for all those reason above except for those for this project , The many more reason are therestricted contractors who will build it. The , hugh school building in center on small stamp like plot , , The demo of a old land mark Templeton center school which is still useful and wasting away presently The Freeland offer that should have been taken up , The million dollar tax " Hugh tax bill " minus the cost of running keeping in mind when the town is in debt and running a compound yearly spending plunder , the troubling fact of making town citizen move form there homes they live in for years all for one
    just bad greedy people who want to mist there chance of state money The project voted in by the delightful school people who never understood NO
