Thursday, September 1, 2016

Shocking facts about Susan G. Komen for the Cure

Shocking facts about Susan G. Komen for the Cure

Chris Beat Cancer

Pinktober is fast approaching and this year I’m launching a preemptive strike to combat the tidal wave of pink propaganda that’s coming in a few weeks.

I’ve assembled some of the most shocking facts about the world’s largest “breast cancer awareness” charity organization:  Susan G. Komen for the Cure. 

Only 21% of money that Susan G Komen for the Cure raises goes to cancer research “for the cure”. Simple math tells us that 79% of the money they raise isn’t going to anything that could produce a cure. As if that wasn’t bad enough, donating to cancer research is essentially giving free money to drug companies who make billions in profit every year, and don’t need your money, and are only interested in research that can lead to a patentable highly-profitable drug that they can sell back to you. For more on this, watch my 500k view rant Why I Don’t Race for the Cure.

-Komen has taken legal action against over 100 small non-profits for using the phrase “for the cure” in their fund-raising campaigns. How dare you sell cupcakes for the cure. Sue that little girl!

-In 2010, Komen partnered with KFC who sold pink buckets of chicken “for the cure”. Apparently the folks at Komen don’t know that fast food consumption is directly linked to obesity, and that obesity is the 2nd leading cause of cancer.

-In 2011, Komen created and sold a perfume called “Promise Me” containing potentially cancer-causing toxic ingredients coumarin, oxybenzone, and toluene. After criticism they pulled it from the market.

-In 2012, Komen Founder/CEO Nancy Brinker was paid $684,717, a 64% increase from her $417,000 salary in 2011. And this was AFTER a big drop in donations and half their 3-Day races were canceled.

-In 2012, Komen drew criticism from the medical community for using misleading statements and deceptive statistics in their ads promoting mammograms. Komen uses donation money to provide mammograms to women who can’t afford them, which seems good, until you learn that a 25-year study of 90,000 women proved that mammograms don’t save lives, and that what early detection campaigns are actually doing is overdiagnosing and funneling women into an industry of harmful overtreatment, resulting in unnecessary surgery, chemo, radiotherapy and hormone therapies.

-In 2013, Komen partnered with Real Water to sell pink water bottles, even though disposable plastic water bottles contain BPA, which is linked to breast cancer tumor growth.

-In 2014, Komen partnered with Baker Hughes to produce 1,000 pink drill bits to be used in their fracking operations with the cutesy slogan “Doing their bit for the cure”. Fracking involves the use of 700 different chemicals, some of which, like benzene and formaldehyde, are linked to cancer.

-As a result of some of the shenanigans above, in 2014, Charity Navigator downgraded Komen to 2 stars (out of 4). Since that public embarrassment, Komen has been working to improve their rating. Nancy Brinker stepped down and was replaced with a much lower paid CEO. Their overall rating has come back up to 3 stars, but their financial rating is still 2 stars as of June 2016.

-Another organization that Komen funnels money to that has nothing to do with curing cancer is Planned Parenthood, which was founded by racist, eugenicist, sterilization proponent Margaret Sanger (google her) and is the single largest provider of abortions in the United States. Multiple studies (ignored by mainstream media) suggest that abortions significantly increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer. I realized this might produce some anxiety for you, dear reader, but you need to know.

In 2012, under the leadership of senior vice president of public policy Karen Handel, Komen’s board made the announcement that they had voted to stop funding Planned Parenthood because PP was under investigation by the federal government. After a backlash from abortion supporters and a media firestorm, Komen reversed their position. Karen Handel resigned and authored a book about the whole affair entitled Planned Bullyhood: The Truth Behind the Headlines About the Planned Parenthood Funding Battle with Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

And those are the reasons I have taken a firm position against donating to Susan G Komen for the Cure. I know that’s a lot of heavy stuff, and I’m certainly not one to advocate dwelling on negativity, but we need to be aware of what’s happening around us. If Komen changes their ways, my opinion of them could change as well.

The BEST way to help cancer patients is to put CASH MONEY in their hands to help with groceries, gas, medical bills, supplements, rent, utilities, child care, etc.

And that’s what prompted the creation of the Pink Ribbons SCAM shirt, designed by yours truly, to raise awareness about Komen and to raise money for cancer patients. Proudly display your disdain for Komen and Pinkwashing and help spread the idea that we should “Give to patients not to Komen” (which is what the shirt says).

There are four different shirt styles:
Mens T-shirt (shown below)
Womens Tanktop (shown below)
Womens Fitted T-shirt
Womens Flowy T-shirt
-And we even have stickers!
Pink Ribbons Scam ShirtPink Ribbons Scam tank top

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