Wednesday, October 19, 2016

From FB -Concerned Templeton Parents

From FB -Concerned Templeton Parents

With a $1M shortfall from 2013 recently surfacing and no audits for the three years after that, jumping into the proposed school debt could be a jump off the financial cliff.  

Join us on Thursday, Oct 20th, at 7pm at the Narragansett Middle School to voice your support for Article 8! Vote YES!

Image may contain: house, grass and outdoor

We were sold on a tax increase of $1.74/$1,000. When we finally do get all the audits finished, we could face a $5+/$1,000 increase to pay an extra high interest rate because of bad credit. For the average home value, that is $1,000 more in taxes every year.
Join us on Thursday, Oct 20th, at 7pm at the Narragansett Middle School to voice your support for Article 8! Vote YES!

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