Tuesday, October 18, 2016

VOTE YES To Rescind on Question 8

1 comment:

  1. This is your chance to right a wrong. Once Templeton Center School is gone, there is no turning back. There are so many things wrong with this project, and I know you know what I mean. I honestly believe we have to find and fix the "structural deficiency" in our budget process. That is what our friend Jeff. Ritter called it. Until we figure why we are constantly broke, our Town will never be able to move forward. As Julie showed us in a blog she posted yesterday, we, yes you and I have spent $300,000, trying to get our audits complete. I can only imagine what we could get accomplished with that money. Why is John Columbus so afraid to have the Atty. General come into this Town ? I know you can not build a house without a decent foundation. Our foundation is badly broken, and there is no way we can add any weight to the building without it crashing again. Bev.
