Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Hire Internal Auditor, Not Town Administrator


Interesting thought!


  1. I do not know if we could legally do it or not, but I would be more than willing to out source the whole financial department. Maybe that would stop some of the game playing with the Town's money. What do we have to loose ?

  2. This is getting to the point of ridiculousness. I mean $300k on 3 firms for 4 years of auditing work and it still remains undone?

    I read something yesterday that upped my anger regarding these asinine budgeting/auditing antics. It appears now we are looking into recognizingly our DPW and FIRE............really? Whose the rocket scientist who came up with this plan?

    It appears that Templeton would be much better off if it "Regionalized" or contracted our its financial oversight.

    Just as an example. I've interacted with 3 town departments this year.

    1) Assessors office- Property borders incorrectly noted on town map and abutters being charged for 2x the land actually owned.
    2) DPW- called about pothole and trees I want to remove near road. Was told would get back to me after review. 30 days and no response to trees, pothole still there.
    3) Emailed town clerk regarding question on registering as farm asking for info, direction and have yet to receive a response over a month later.

    From were I sit my town government isn't responding to basic questions, has financial problems dating back 4 years and has a history of failed projects.
    We have 4 years of undocumented financial chaos, a police station, elementary school, water towers plus any present debt being placed on taxpayers without any knowledge of our ability to borrow.
    People talk about a lack of bond rating, well, how long has this audit been going on? How long until it will be complete, can anyone really say.
    All these items will most likely require approval since they add up to more than our ability to borrow (5% or $28 million). That approval requires a bond rating just to apply........

    It appears to me we learned nothing from 2008 mortgage crisis and decided to jump in on a town wide level. Lets borrow more without even considering how we are paying for it.
