Monday, December 5, 2016

Delusional be continued TONIGHT!

Delusional Math..
to be continued  

Last week this post appeared on Pauly's Templeton Watch:

Welcome to Templeton! 
Birthplace of Delusional Math.

 So according to the Gardner News(11/29/2016), "Town officials had stated that the $200,000 shortfall was created in part due to voters' recent rejection of using $87,500 of the town's stabilization fund to pay for the debt for the property at 252 Baldwinville Road."

 Nope. Wrong.

The $200,000 shortfall was created by really bad budgeting figures for FY 17. Those bad figures ( i.e. lies) were presented to the annual town meeting by the board of selectmen. No discussion was allowed line item by line item in May. The chairman of the board of selectmen responsible for the FY 17 unbalanced budget was John Columbus.

The $87,500 for the debt payment boo-boo for 252 Baldwinville Rd is one part of the shortfall because the selectmen and the former town administrator screwed up. 

The FY 17 budget presented by the selectmen and voted in May also screwed up:

$50,000 snow and ice
$27,500 health insurance
$15,000 unemployment costs
$13,000 audit-related expenses
$7,000 other expenses

Don't think that's the end of the screw ups/shortfalls.

To date over $300,000 has been spent to get the FY 13 books and other subsequent fiscal years in shape so they can be audited. 


A contract for auditing services was signed in October 2016

On the bright side, the contract has been signed to have the audits completed:

 Downside? You have to be able to pay for this service!

$28,000 per audit. 5 audits @ $28,000 = $140,000

The budgeted amount for audits FY 17 = $28,000.
So where is the money going to come from to pay for the FY 14, FY 15, FY 16, and FY 17 audits? 
These audits will cost at least $112,000 and are a necessary component of the MFOB process.
Who signs a contract that will cost at least $140,000 when only $28,000 has been budgeted?

Welcome to Templeton! 
Birthplace of Delusional Math.

No solution has been made on the shortfall created by the audit contract($112,000). No solution has been offered for the shortfall created by the Town Administrator search($6,000 and growing). 

Tonight's all department meeting at Kamaloht should be interesting to say the least.

Is it time to ask for help from the state? 

Do you have confidence in the Templeton Board of Selectmen?

1 comment:

  1. Last night's meeting was interesting ! All that was missing was a group hug and us all singing Kumbbyah !! Mr. Columbus tried to pawn off the seventeen budget as a miss calculation, not the propped up revenue to make the budget work that it was. Ms. Haley Brooks agreed with others who feel the taxpayers have the right to know the truth. Credit goes to her for that one, only who is going to tell them ? I do know one thing, I am not going to sit by and let the Advisory Board get crapped on any longer. Carter is trying, but he does not know our town. The selectmen would be wise to work with TAB so we do not continue the fiasco into the next fiscal year. If you do not know how to fly a plane, you do not take one up for a spin. This community can not suffer through another year like this. It is not fair to the workers or the people who pay the bills. Bev.
