Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Urgent Need!


Good Evening Narragansett Parents & Guardians,

I am writing you this evening concerning our Annual Food Drive.  We desperately need your help as we are dramatically short on donations of food.  This food drive is a staple of support for the Templeton Food Pantry and Narragansett families in need this Christmas Holiday Season.  Please consider giving to this food drive as your donations help build the food baskets.  125 food baskets are being prepared and we need you to make these a reality.  The food drive is ongoing and has been extended until next Friday, December 9.

Food prices, including the price of turkeys, have continued to rise. The first phase will be a food drive to supply the baskets. Our goal is to build 125 baskets for those in need. If we were to pay for all of the items, the cost would exceed $8,000 dollars. Therefore each class or school has been assigned to bring in a particular item as follows:

Templeton Center – Gravy, Cranberry Sauce
Baldwinville – Peanut Butter
Phillipston Memorial– Pasta

Class of 2024 (5th) – Pancake Mix
Class of 2023 (6th) – Crackers, Jelly
Class of 2022 (7th) – Canned Vegetables (corn, carrots, peas, green beans, etc.)
Class of 2021 (8th) – Spaghetti Sauce
Class of 2020 (9th) – Cereal, Granola Bars, Oatmeal
Class of 2019 (10th) – Hearty Soups (Campbell’s Chunky, Progresso, Dinty Moore, etc.)
Class of 2018 (11th) – Syrup
Class of 2017 (12th) – Stuffing


Peter J. Cushing
Nat North
John Vancelette
Margaret Hughes
Brian Rosengren
Ed Podrazik
Chelsea Mason

If you can help out, please do!

The Senior Center also has a giving tree for families that need holiday assistance


  1. I hope it was not lost on everyone at Monday nights meeting that according to our Senior Center Director that there is a great deal of poverty in our town. Some of it is with our Seniors who never made a lot of money, even when they worked and now depend on S.S. Some of the other poverty is with younger people for a variety of reasons, and some of our residents are just having problems making ends meet. What ever the reasons, Dianna has 140 children who need help, so that Santa can show up. This was discussed early on at Monday's meeting. Toward the end of the evening, someone spoke up and said they would gladly spend more for taxes, and others spoke up with the same sentiment. I could not help think, what the hell, didn't these people listen to the part of the meeting where we had people who need help putting a meal on the table ? What happens to the school numbers when parents can not afford to live here any longer ?? Take 140 kids out of the grammar school and what do you have left ? I'll tell you, a big building with no one in it. If you have money to throw away, good for you. Our community is supposed to be for everyone. I hope people do not forget it. Bev.

  2. Bev,

    Every time I hear people say "I'll pay more in taxes" my first thought is, "why dont you"? Nothing is stopping these same people from paying more now.

    Lets do an experiment. Put 2 numbers on everyones tax bill. One standard and one for those people who would pay more...........Want to bet nobody pays the higher number....

  3. All the folks who "are willing to pay more taxes" have that option when they file Massachusetts income tax. Next time you hear someone say they would pay more taxes, ask if they choose that option, to pay at the Mike Dukakis "temporary emergency" tax rate. 5.85% was the Duke's "temporary" rate. It took a citizen petitition to get it back to 5%. Which it still has not quite got to 5.00% as yet.
