Friday, September 1, 2017

In Northboro, Mass. farmers urge solutions for guest workers, import prices, harvest protection

In Northboro, Mass. farmers urge solutions for guest workers, import prices, harvest protection


1 comment:

  1. I know Mr. Davivian. He is a good guy. What he said was true. Most of the big farms Bart and I go to, use Jamaicans' for labor. These people will work harder than anyone I know, It is never too hot, too cold, or wet, to get the job done. These guys know their jobs, and you can trust the with your life. It cost a lot for their labor, but in the end they are worth it. These guys will earn enough to support their families for the year, when they go home. Without them nothing will get picked, no work will be done, so your prices will go up for what little is for sale.
