Friday, September 1, 2017

Lead and Fluoride

Lead Warning
 This information is from the Templeton Water Report
Why does the Templeton Water Department  put this warning in its water quality report, but refuses to publish information regarding the water fluoridation chemicals it deliberately adds to Templeton's drinking water?

Fluoride is even more harmful for pregnant women and young children!

So what kind of Fluoride is added to Templeton's drinking water?  What other chemicals are added to Templeton's drinking water? Where is the MSDS for those products?


  1. Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. The corporation that put fluoride in our water may well be the same corporation that involved us in WWI and WWII. Get to know this corporation better. Here is Chapter 3 in the 12 part series. Chapter 1 and 2 were in previous Fluoride Friday blogs. FluoridationCorporation

    1. The idea that anyone can put anything in your water and not advertise the fact should give you pause to think. How many babies in this town have been given formula with this water for a base. Would their mom have used this if they were made aware ?? People will spend a fortune buying organic food because it is safer, but then use water with fluoride in it. Yes fluoride is a naturally occurring substance, but so is lead and arsenic. Too much of this stuff will be bad for you. Why won't the Water Dept. put a warning on the bills so that people will be aware ? It is time for you to speak up. This is your town and your kids, also. Bev.
