Monday, September 25, 2017

Many with chronic illness denied prescriptions in fight against opioids

Many with chronic illness denied prescriptions in fight against opioids



  1. Punish everyone because of a few ? Does this make sense ? I have had chronic pain for a number of years. Will denying me medication solve the opioid problem ? I doubt it. Is it my fault people abuse drugs ? No it isn't. Their has to be a better way, and someone better find it soon.

  2. If they truly wanted to figure out were the medications are coming from instead of accusing every pain patient they would institute a national prescription drug registry. Then every prescription, whether covered by insurance or paid for with cash is documented and prescribed to a identified user.
    Now they just harass chronic pain patients, deny valid claims for fear of popping up on the DEA radar. This behavior by the drug agencies have escalated the heroin epidemic because it is cheaper and easier to access for many people.

    Narcotic contracts
    Pills counts
    Urine tests
    All these processes are designed to cover the DRs Insurance, not the patient.

    Does anyone think a person in horrible pain is concerned about becoming addicted? Really? Many of these people are taking medication so they dont kill themselves.

    Most Dr's also treat Chronic pain with medications designed for Acute pain. I was on Percocet for a couple years. It was miserable. Taking a pill every few hours doing the pain roller coaster in 4 hour intervals. Then I was put on Morphine extended release. Not ideal, but so much nicer.

    Remember one thing when you see these articles. Many of the folks taking pain meds are virtually incapacitated and then the system requires them to jump through hoops to maintain some comfort.

    Now I do believe to many people are being given pain medication for to long, but that is another easy fix if serious about dealing with this issue, which I do not truly believe those in power are.
