Monday, September 25, 2017

Meetings the Week of September 25, 2017

Meetings the Week of September 25, 2017

Monday  9/25/17
Clown College                   PCS Town Hall*              6:30 pm
Adv Com                           PCS Town Hall*              6:30 pm
Tuesday  9/26/17
Planning                             PCS Town Hall*             6:30 pm

Wednesday 9/27/17
Elem. School           Kiva                      3:00 pm

Thursday 9/28/17
Economic                            PCS Town Hall*            9:00 am
* Pauly Cosentino Sr. Town Hall

1 comment:

  1. One may wonder what the DOR had to say when they met in town hall last week. Could it be a big enough whack to throw everything planned into the river ? Sounds like that to me ! Why is the Economic Committee meeting during the week at 9:00 AM ? Just who is on this committee ? Elected or appointed ? Seems like we should have some people who work out of town for a change, meaning a 7:00 or 7:30 AM meeting does not work. Bev.
