Thursday, December 7, 2017

Region’s first medical marijuana dispensary opens in Leicester

Region’s first medical marijuana dispensary opens in Leicester


1 comment:

  1. I read articles like this and shake my head. The State/Country has a chance to legalize marijuana like tomato's. The obvious reason that officials dont agree is the absolute drain legalizing marijuana would have on budgets. From Cops to Courts to Prisons we would see reductions in staff/funding.

    Instead we do the quasi legalization in piecemeal fashion. We are increasing government in the process.

    Now, back to this guy selling medical marijuana. Who thinks that this process is going to eliminate the black market for marijuana. When dispensaries in MA are selling ounces for $350.00 and Colorado is selling Pounds for $1300 (16 ounces) the crime is already laid out. Why would anyone think differently. Take NY and cigarettes as an example. Cigarettes are legal, but an illegal trade was created by raising taxes disproportionately compared to neighbor States.
    Just as an example. You dont think someone is going to figure it might be worth driving to Colorado, buying $1300 lbs and selling them in MA at $350 and ounce for a profit of $4300. C'mon, they are doing it with cigs!!!!!

    No reasonable justification exists for this type of pricing for a legal product other than greed or manipulation.

    My bet is that at $350 an ounce those in the black market in marijuana are just smiling all the way to the bank.

    This type of system will lead to corporations and cartels controlling marijuana, more regulations and rules and the exact opposite of what the people who started this trend wanted for results.
