Thursday, October 18, 2018



This Friday, October 19, 2018, at WBZ located at 1170 Soldiers Field Road in Boston, we will meet starting at 3:00PM to rally against the racist #FakeIndian Elizabeth Warren who has colluded with WBZ-TV to keep me off the debate stage. 

WE got on the ballot, and we are not allowed on the debate stage?!  Does that sound fair?  Is it just?  Is it American?

Because of YOUR hard work we got 20,000 signatures, followed every FEDERAL and STATE rules, to get on the BALLOT.  Just a few months ago, 10 candidates were on the debate stage for the 6th Congressional election. In 2014, 5 candidates for governor:, Democrat, Republican and 3 other Independent candidates were allowed in the same WBZ debate,  just as long as they got 10,000 signatures.

CLEARLY, YOU are not being allowed YOUR candidate to be heard --- because THEY, both parties, are scared shitless that WE will destroy the Establishment, their monopoly and WE may discuss issues such as Monsanto poisoning our children, the attack on Free Speech, real solutions to lower the cost of health care, etc.

YOU Deserve a REAL CHOICES.  Right now, they give us ONE CHOICE: the Two-Party system of a #FakeIndian or a #FakeTrumper  -- that's NOT Freedom, that's NOT the American Way.

The debate on October 19th is planned to go live on TV from WBZ-TV at 8PM.  We will gather at 3PM to raise hell, and demand we get on the debate stage.

This is when we need you the most.  Please email me back to let me know you will be showing up.  Bring yourself, your parents, grandparents, children.  We are winning, and they're only solution is to BROWN US OUT. 

Racism is not about color, it's about being "racist" towards diversity of ideas --- they are RACIST towards such diversity of ideas. They are RACIST towards YOU. We are the "dark matter" that they do not want to see the light of day.


Thank you,
p.s. Feel free to call me on my cell phone if you want to talk: 617-631-6874.

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