Thursday, October 18, 2018

Special Town Meeting October 18,2018

Special Town Meeting
 October 18, 2018
7 PM

Advisory Committee Recommendations:
From Jeff Bennett's Templeton Watch
Thursday, October 18, 2018 – 7:00 P.M.
Article 1.    Payment of late or unpaid bills from prior fiscal year:
                   Sewer Dept. -      $1,795.97
                   Cable Dept. -           110.40
                   Highway Dept.        220.80
Advisory Committee: This article funds outstanding obligations from prior fiscal years that the Town must pay. These bills will be funded from the current fiscal year budget.
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.
Article 2.     Amend Town by-laws with adoption of “stretch energy code”
Advisory Committee: This article will increase the cost of building in Templeton, however, it is a step toward Templeton becoming a “Green Community” and should benefit the Town by way of grant eligibility in future efforts to save on energy costs Town wide.
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.
Article 3.     Amend Town By-Laws for repair of private Ways / Roads.
Advisory Committee: This article will allow all taxpayers to receive services paid for by tax dollars. Furthermore, this article along with other actions being pursued will allow these private roads to eventually become approved Town roads ending any stigma or division among Town residents concerning private roads versus Town accepted roads.
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.

Article 4.     Filing of special legislation to establish an infrastructure betterment fund.
Advisory Committee: This act would simply create an account /place for any funds collected from residents on private roads for permanent repairs or improvements completed on said roads/ways.
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.

Article 5.     Adopt Massachusetts General Law chapter 80, section 13b: defer repayment of certain betterment liens.
Advisory Committee: This article would help some residents over age 65 in the way in which betterment repayment is dealt with regarding the Town.
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.
Article 6.     Amend Town By-Laws by having employment contracts for all department heads.
Advisory Committee: This article would allow the Town to utilize this option as a marketing tool in attempting to attract new Town employees. Town Meeting must realize that some elected boards, such as Board of Health have say in employment contracts under the law.
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.
Article 7.     Amend Town By-law regarding animal control.
Advisory Committee: Action on this articles consists of repealing the current existing Town by-law in its entirety and replacing it with article 7 verbiage to bring the by-law in step with current state law. This article also allows for increases in dog license fees as well as significant increase in non-criminal disposition fines.
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.
Article 8.     MART dial a ride promotion.
Advisory Committee: This article deals with the Town’s share of ride share fees with regards to services such as Uber and Lift.
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.
Article 9.     Stone or Stoney Bridge road study.
Advisory Committee: This article deals with one step in the process that could allow the Town to pursue grants or other funding sources to be used in efforts to repair, maintain or replace of structure known as Stone (Stoney) Bridge.
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.

Article 10.     Fiscal 2019 Cable department budget supplement.

Advisory Committee: This article allows for more of the funds collected by way of contract agreement with Comcast Cable to be utilized to support the operation of the Town’s cable channel and broadcast of meetings of many Town boards, committees and events held in Templeton.
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.
Article 11.     Capital budget supplements.
Advisory Committee: While the committee has reservations of going back to taxpayers multiple times for more funding on the same project (s), it also acknowledges that town assets must be protected and invested in for long term tax dollar savings.
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.
Article 12.     Capital budget supplements
Advisory Committee: This article deals with two subjects, one being money for the Assessor’s office to replace a funding source that was presented to Town Meeting by board of selectmen that “fell through” and the other item involves tree work on Templeton common, which falls in line with maintaining , protecting and investing in Town assets.
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.
Article 13.     Fiscal Year 2019 general fund operating budget supplement.
Advisory Committee: Again, the committee cautions against the continued practice of using one time funds to support re-occurring expenses of the Town’s general fund expenses. The Town does have a reserve fund to deal with unanticipated emergencies. The committee also questions the need to supplement a legal budget of $60,000.00 as well as the need for additional IT funding this early in the fiscal year. Provided there is sufficient explanation of additional funding requests for legal and IT;
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.
Article 14.     Payment of Town share of Narragansett Regional School District debt.
Advisory Committee: This article will fulfill Templeton’s obligation to pay debt service that was dealt with at the May 2018 Annual Town Meeting.
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.

Article 15.     Fiscal Year 2019 operating budget transfer.
Advisory Committee: This article requests Town Meeting to approve a transfer of monies from one Town fund to another but it lacks specificity as to where the funds will be used; under Fire & EMS on the Town’s monthly expenditure report, there are funds for personnel, employee support, purchase of services, supplies and “other”. The committee feels that Town Meeting deserves to know what this proposed transfer will be used for, salary increases, maintenance, etc. Due to insufficient information on this proposed reallocation of funds:
Advisory Committee recommends against this article.
Article 16.     Deposits to the Town’s stabilizations funds and OPEB reserve fund.
Advisory Committee: The committee favors regular deposits into these funds, as it shows the Town is committed to building savings and/or reserve funds as well as providing a means to handle long term Town financial commitments and capital investment.
Advisory Committee recommends favorable action on this article.
In conclusion, Advisory recommends that residents of the Town be involved in the process of Town government by attending Town Meeting, voting and becoming involved through elected or appointed positions and committees that work to make the Town of Templeton a better place to work and live in.

Respectfully submitted by the Templeton Advisory Committee:

Jeffrey Bennett – Chairman          Michael Currie – Vice-Chair
Lee Guthrie – Clerk                       Tony DeJoy
Amy Guthrie                                  Debra Wilder
Wil Spring


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