Thursday, July 25, 2019

Fool's Gold

From Jeff Bennett's blog:

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Special Town Meeting - Phillipston:

See the articles that relate to Templeton (entire warrant can be found on Phillipston town website.)

Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Phillipston qualified to vote in elections and town affairs to meet at the Phillipston Memorial School, 20 The Common, Phillipston, Massachusetts, on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. to act on the following articles:

Article 1. TO AMEND THE NARRAGANSETT REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT AGREEMENT To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to petition the Narragansett Regional School District to amend the Narragansett Regional School District Agreement by deleting the current Section XII, Assignment of Pupils, and replacing it with the following:

SECTION XII ASSIGNMENT OF PUPILS Students in kindergarten through grade five (5) shall attend schools in their respective towns of residence, except as hereinafter provided. The School Committee may determine by a majority vote of the entire Committee to assign kindergarten through grade five (5) students to schools in a town other than their respective town of residence under the following circumstances: (1) in the event of an emergency which prevents use of a building in whole or part; or (2) a student requires specialized education or accommodation for a disability that cannot be provided by the school in the student’s town of residence and the parent or guardian of the student approves of the assignment.

Parents may request attendance in any of the Member Town schools through the so-called “school choice” program, subject to approval of the Superintendent.

or act in relation thereto


To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectboard to petition the General Court for a special act providing for the recall of elected members of the Narragansett Regional School District School Committee, which act shall be prepared by the Selectboard and shall include but not be limited to the following: an affidavit to be signed under the penalty of perjury, setting forth the grounds for recall, to be signed by no less than 50 voters of each member town; a petition form including the grounds for recall as set forth in the affidavit, and listing the names of the first five voters who signed the affidavit from each member town, to be signed by no less than 10% of the voters in the district, with no more than 7.5% of such signatures to be from one member town, and which act authorizes the holding of a district election, to be paid for by the district, at which the question of recall and the election of a successor shall be acted upon; and further that a person who resigns following the submission of a recall petition, or who is recalled from office, shall be ineligible to be appointed to a position with the regional school district for a period of one year; provided, however, that the General Court may make clerical or editorial changes of form only to the bill, unless the Selectboard approve amendments to the bill before enactment by the General Court; and, provided further that the Selectboard is hereby authorized to approve amendments which shall be within the scope of the general public objectives of this petition;
or act in relation thereto


To see if the Town will direct the Selectboard to obtain the following as a signed agreement from the Selectboard of Templeton: “The Town of Templeton swears that it will not seek or accept monetary payments from the Town of Phillipston to help pay for their new elementary school should Phillipston students be assigned there.” And the Town further directs that no Phillipston students shall be allowed to attend the new elementary school in Templeton unless this agreement is signed by all Templeton selectmen and notarized;

or act in relation thereto


  1. So why should Templeton be forced to pay 100% for the cost of a new district school or 86% of Phillipston elementary costs even though it was not the districts plan.

    If Phillipston demands their elementary school stay open despite the district financial duty to the taxpayer, then they should pay for it.

    Does Templeton gain anything by this regional agreement without the transportation being funded 100% by the state? If not, why are we in it?
  2. Do the people of Templeton even realize that 17.3% of the students at NRSD ( based on budget numbers fy19) were school choice.
    NRSD only receives $5,000 per school choice student. Almost 1/5 of NRSD students pay 1/20th of our budget and the administration feels this is awesome.............
    1. Why does Templeton take in "school choice" students if it costs $14,000.+ to educate a child and we received $5,000.? Someone please explain how that makes any sense !
  3. Lets do some math............

    $19,700,000.00 ( fy2020 district budget) divided by the total students listed on budget, 1436 is $13,718.66 per child.
    Now lets remove school choice removals of 106 kids at $5,000 per paid out $530,000. Now let remove the 247 school choice in kids were we receive $5,000 per child $1,235,000. for a total loss in funding of $1,765,000.00

    Now we'll take the balance.

    - $1,765,000

    Now we only have 1436-247= 1189 kids to teach.

    $17,935,000 divided by 1189 is $15,084 per child.

    School Choice depleats our per child spending by 10%. It does not AD anything. It is my belief that our School Committee and Superintendent are doing the taxpayers of Templeton and Phillipston a disservice by using this School Choice money as a piggy bank. Every added child through school choice depleats the funding for Templeton and Phillipstons children, period.

    Before we build a new boat, let plug the holes in the one we have.
  4. During a School Committee meeting earlier this month the School Committee members were crying about having to use S.C. money to find the school for fy.20. If this is such a problem, just what were they saving it for ? Are we the taxpayers floating the whole school boat ? If Phillipston said no to paying to the school, or even going to it, then why did the School Building Committee build such a big school ? State reports will tell you the school populations are going to go down. Did the powers that be decide that they were force Phillipston kids to go to T.C., Like it or not ? Myself, I do not think the State will find improvements to P.E.S., Maureen Marshall pretty much said so. On the other hand I understand why Phillipston residents are mad. I am not happy either. Shady shit never stops if any of what I feel is true.
  5. A different way to do the math is to outsource all students @ $5,000/student

    $7,180.000 for 1,436 students THAT would save over $12 million dollars!

1 comment:

  1. Or.............we pay $15,529 per resident child in NRSD. If those funds were received for all students our budget would be $22,300,874.

    Templeton students are being shorted by this arrangement and I for one think it needs to end!
