Thursday, July 25, 2019

School budget vote triggers district-wide meeting for Templeton and Phillipston

School budget vote triggers district-wide meeting for Templeton and Phillipston



  1. $11,224,821.00 was last years salaries for the NRSD. That was for 202 employees and 1424 students (fy19)

    What type of a difference would having 247 less children to teach mean to the staffing levels? The yearly costs increases for raises, healthcare, retirement. As a sheer percentage it would be over 30 (15%) employees. Hell, 10% would save us over $1.2 million dollars.

    Why are we allowing this?

  2. At 16% of the Budget for NRSD why does Phillipstons vote matter........majority rules in a democracy. I Jest as were is any real democracy taking place anymore...........
