Paul working for you.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sorry Pete I Missed this one when I was in the Hospital

Hi Paul 
Hope you are feeling better.  Have another blog if you have space.  Title Four Bombs Not One Oklahoma City 4/19/95

     Templeton residents who believe that they are being served by the mainstream media in regards to accurate reporting may wish to revisit events on April 19 1995 in the State of Oklahoma.  It was on this date Timothy McVeigh was alleged to have taken down the Alfred P. Murray Building with a truck bomb composed of ammonium nitrate and fuel.  Few people know that at least three other bombs were involved that day in what to that time was the largest terrorist event on American soil.  Six years later 9/11 and the alleged controlled demolition of WTC I, WTC2 and Building Seven would eclipse Oklahoma City for that dubious title.

     Here is a short segment showing what our mainstream media may have missed.
     As you can see from the video the American Public has pretty much been left in the dark concerning events of Oklahoma City. 
     Would we have been better prepared for events on 9/11 had honest reporting been done on April 19 1995? 
     Were some of the same characters involved in both events? 
      More on the Oklahoma City bombing details.
     It is hoped all Templeton residents will find the time to look at events such as Oklahoma City and 9/11 more closely.
     In retrospect these events seem to match up with our eroding rights under our Constitution.
      When our Constitution is gone it is highly unlikely we will get another Constitution in our lifetime.
     A special thanks to Pauly’s Templeton Watch for enabling information that otherwise may never have seen the light of day to be shared by all.    


  1. A free press is necessary to keep the citizens informed. Our local press has an agenda....that agenda isn't to keep Templeton residents informed. Pauly's Templeton Watch plays an important function in our town. Pauly's Templeton Watch is a tool we can use to keep each other informed.

    We need to be alert to threats to our right to free speech. I believe our constitutional rights are under attack. I see it every day. I work with a lot of electronic media. Digital Rights Management has become a large problem without an easy solution. When you download an e-book or an article electronically with whatever device you have, you "own" nothing. You have access to the book or the article and that access can be taken away. The informational can be manipulated or changed remotely.

    There are local elected officials who like nothing better than to take away your right to free speech ; whether under the guise of "attorney/client privilege" or just outright harass people with Ethics threats/complaints and the possible fines of $10,000.

    These people will use the government agencies like the Ethics Commission to try to shut you up. Please post any instance of anyone trying to take away your right to free speech. Jeff Bennett posted a comment about an anonymous complaint filed with the Attorney general's Office regarding the Senior Center. The only way the Town of Templeton was informed of this anonymous complaint was a phone message left by our town counsel. Why is the attorney general's office contacting our town counsel without the BOS knowledge? Isn't that strange? Is the attorney general trying to run up our bill with K&P?

    So maybe I'm paranoid. Maybe Bennett is paranoid. Maybe YOU should be paranoid. Once you start to drink the Kool Aid made with unfluoridated water, you might get the idea that your government isn't here to help you.

    My thoughts and opinions
    Julie Farrell

  2. Our local newspaper is not “Free press”. In order for people to make informed decisions about local political issues, they need information. Our local press is not an unbiased source of information.

    Pauly’s Templeton Watch provides a vital service to the Town of Templeton. It provides a forum and a means to distribute information about the Town of Templeton. It is not unbiased, but anyone can participate and add their opinions, thoughts and observations. Anyone can read and respond to the posts. Pauly’s Watch has brought a diverse group of people together to try to get at the truth. I don’t think our local paper would recognize the truth if it came up and hit it up the side of the head.

    Our constitutional rights ARE under attack. Our right to free speech is being eroded. I work with a lot of electronic information. One of the problems with electronic information is Digital rights management. When you purchase an e-book or download an electronic article, you do not “own” anything. You have access to the e-book or article and that access can be curtailed or taken away. The electronic versions of books can be manipulated and changed remotely without your knowledge without your awareness.

    Please post any instances of anyone trying to curtail your right to free speech. Whether you are being harassed by Ethics complaints in order to shut you up or you are not allowed to speak at public meetings. Government entities do not seem to care about your constitutional rights. Some government entities will use “attorney/client privilege” to hide public documents from seeing the light of day. Once again, I thank Pauly for creating this blog.

    Julie Farrell

  3. Pete, you are going to love this, Bart was told by the dentist to use mouthwash every day, so he has. He said to me, "hey look at this", under directions it says" not to be used by children under age of 12. Keep out of reach of children. If accidentley swallowed, get medical help, or contact a Poison Controll Ctr.right away."Guess what is the main ingredient, Sodium Floride. This is over the counter, it is Listerine Total care. I guess it pays to read the lables. Same thing about the big chain stores. Some of the stuff people put on their lawns is very toxic. My way of thinking is if its green let it grow. . We wonder why some of our animal life is disapering! Bev.

    1. Bev,
      Nevemind the mouthwash. Look at your toothpaste!! Don't swallow that sh__ ! If you do call poison control

  4. i would never have given Oklahoma City a second look if it were not for Building Seven and the man from the Government telling me Building Seven burnt to the ground. How can a building burn to the ground in ten seconds or less. There was never an instance of a steel frame building collapsing from fire until 9/11/01 and then all of a sudden three steel frame building collapsed in one day. The towers were designed to take multiple hits from a 707 the largest plane at the time of construction. In the second video on Oklahoma City the investigation shows that two bombs went off at a little before 9am about six seconds apart. It was those first two bombs plus the two that were deactivated that got the sum to four. It should be noted that President Bush may have brought back nearly 2000 Imperial Guards from Iraq who were said to be in the area of Oklahoma City. John Doe number two the alleged shot gun rider for Mr McVeigh may have been from those units but like anything dealing with the Mideast things get complicated. Thank you Pauly for printing this material. An excellent video concerning Oklahoma City was done recently but unfortunately I could not add it to this segment due to it not being available on YouTube. If you have a chance you may wish to watch this excellent video called "A Noble Lie." I am amazed every day of what I do not know.
