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Thursday, November 14, 2019

$19.5 million dollar budget adopted by NRSD School Committee

$19.5 million dollar budget adopted by NRSD School Committee

Last night, the NRSD School Committee approved the $19.5 million dollar budget by a vote of 6-2.

So why the change of heart? 

What about the "oath" the school committee members took?

Why wait until the last hour, after calling for 4 District wide meetings, to reverse the vote and adopt the $19.5 million dollar figure?

What about the children?

It could be because once the state comes in and looks at the books, Dr. Casavant's assertion that the school district can't afford to keep 2 elementary schools open, would become a reality.

The school committee wants to keep Phillipston Elementary open at any cost. Including requesting a $1 million dollar override in Templeton to keep PMS open. 

Override fails - bigly!

So the next course of action is to use the nuclear option.  Call for as many District wide meetings as it takes to get the needed budget figure. 

That didn't work!

Next step, call the bluff and have the state come in. 

Except maybe the state won't have the same passion to keep PMS open...'cause as has been stated many times before by the Superintendent "can't afford to keep 2 elementary schools open."

Representatives from the state has had talks about even more regionalization and consolidating of small elementary schools and school districts throughout the state.

It is understandable that Phillipston residents and parents want to keep PMS open. But why should Templeton tax payers foot that bill?

Why should Templeton tax payers lose public safety employees?

The same public safety employees who provide mutual aid and coverage to Phillipston residents?

We live in interesting times!

Let's hope Templeton is successful in setting its tax rate in a timely manner now that the NRSD school committee has accepted the $19.5 million dollar figure.



  1. The reality that $19.5 million is $1.5 million more than they spent last year if you subtract the debt they dont have this year.

    A $1.5 million dollar increase and they cried, kicked and whinned the entire way until they realized the State would give them less ( my speculation)

    Now the assessment to Templeton must be less than $6,611,514.00 based on Article 2 of the July 18, 2019 town meeting.

  2. Surprise, surprise ! The State was not going to hurt the Town anymore than it was hurt already ! The School Committee chickened out. I am sorry they could back out of the State taking charge. I hope this has been a learning curve for everyone.
