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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

CA is coming to MA

 CA is coming to MA
On January 30, the Massachusetts Senate voted on a Climate Change package that would drastically increase regulations on how you live your daily life. The package is seeking to tax you on necessities such as driving your car and heating your home, and simply raise prices on EVERYTHING! This package includes three separate bills:

(S 2476) continues taxpayer-funded subsidies for electric vehicles (EV’s,) increases the requirement for EV charging stations in parking lots with more than 10 spaces as well as all commercial and residential lots. It will also require all taxpayer-funded state vehicles to change to expensive zero emissions vehicles by certain dates.

(S 2477) is a straight Carbon Tax that will increase the cost of living exponentially. It establishes net-neutral greenhouse gas emissions standards by 2050. It accomplishes this by adopting sector-based statewide greenhouse gas emissions sub-limits including, but not limited to, electric power, transportation, commercial and industrial heating and cooling, residential heating and cooling, industrial processes, solid waste, agriculture and natural gas distribution and service. This simply means you will pay more for electricity, gas, heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer, trash disposal, food, and any other goods and services that uses any of these things to be made for you or to get to you.

(S 2478) Substantially expands the Massachusetts Appliance Efficiency Standards Act to include higher standards for a wider variety of consumer and commercial products. What will it do?

-It requires cooking appliances, air ventilation systems, and lamps to meet federal Energy Star guidelines

-It adopts California energy regulations for computers and computer monitors

-It establishes specific flow volumes required for plumbing fixtures, including shower heads, faucets, toilets, and urinals

-It sets an effective date of January 1, 2022, after which products covered in this act must meet their new regulations in order to be sold or installed in Massachusetts

-Maintains existing federal water and energy efficiency requirements in Massachusetts in the event they are withdrawn or repealed.

Although this terrible package passed in the Senate, it still needs to obtain passage in the House before it moves to the Governor's desk for approval. Please contact your state representative and tell them this extreme nanny-state legislation is insulting to taxpayers and reaches far beyond what is appropriate.

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