Paul working for you.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Open the Schools!

Open the Schools!

American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign. We can speculate on how this has happened, and why it has continued, but the purpose of the inaugural White Coat Summit is to empower Americans to stop living in fear.
If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease. 


  1. (CNN)Parents are now cooperating with health officials after a teen party in Middletown, New Jersey, led to a Covid-19 cluster in the area.

    More than 20 teens tested positive for the coronavirus after attending a house party on July 11, Middletown Health Department spokeswoman Tara Berson tells CNN.
    The partygoers ranged in age from 15 to 19 years old, Berson said.

    Dr, Gold is educated moron. But gold said Children can't spread it, dont get it are basically immune.

    Dr. Gold Digger seems to be her true calling. A Dr. supporting political fool Donald Trump and his Hydrochloriquine bull.

    Why post this misinformation ?

  2. The website has expired.

    Beware of the information spread by hacks like Dr Gold and her Merry Dr's..............

  3. Dr. Gold has 600 other doctors on board her way of thinking. Censoring these doctors is wrong. These doctors are putting their careers on the line for speaking out against those who wish to be our masters. It took a great deal of courage to speak out and I for one appreciate what they did.

    1. You do mean Doctors (business owners who were shut down during covid) who want to open and make money and are willing to risk other peoples live to do it.

      These "Doctors" are putting politics and $$$ before Medical ethics and anyone who believes them and gets covid should be at the back of the line for hospital care!

  4. Hydrochloriquine bull?. Proven to be a political hack job on TRUMP and the main stream medias false narrative will never retract the lies published.Like the attack on AG Barr it's all they can muster to defeat TRUMP that's what this "Donkey" crew is all about. Let it burn mentality shown lately? Wake up
    Homework BOB try to do some you'll see.

  5. Well that figures. A town working/Union representative favors Trump. Obviously a confused human being and probably a poor representative for the Union employees, but a typical Trump voter...........

    Trump defeats himself every single time He opens his mouth.

  6. At least he speaks about the subjects not like others. Great job the Donkey party has done for the union workers shipping all the jobs overseas in every empty container they can find. Unlike 44 who said those jobs are gone and will "never return". Biden will do more of the same and worse for workers.
    Thank Trump and crew. "DRAIN YOUR SWAMP"
    Time will tell if the pollsters are Wrong AGAIN but what we hear on the main stream media is just like the Russia lies again and again. In Lock step they all march into the lies they make up to feed you.
    Just so you know no longer a union rep. just a member with more free time not wasted on fellow members who didn't appreciate the time i would sacrifice for them.
    Another off base fact you have a problem with. Research and truth go hand and hand. One depends on another.

  7. Dave,
    My turn: Too clear a few things up. You know who I voted for in 2016? Donald J Trump.
    1) Hilary
    2) Our government has failed ( have you noticed)
    3) Trump will accelerate American absurdity faster than Hilary.(both stink)

    Trump was my ("F" it!) vote.

    I do not watch TV, cable, etc. I usually avoid politics as its a side show not worth my time.

    Who am I voting for in 2020? Good question, we'll see, but I can tell you it's 4 people eligible to receive my vote.

    I understand your reasoning on Union rep. thing. Good for you. Blood pressure probably thanks you too.

    Trump and crew didn't really drain the swamp, they just turned it into a family business using OPM as usual.

  8. Bob i see your point. I to wish the swamp was more dry than we see now.
    But to just let this all burn would be just insane.
