January 28th BOS Meeting

Attendance was down at Monday’s BOS meeting. Could be due to the weather or that nasty bug going around.

Discussion on the permit for Crow Hill Motorsports took awhile. BOH has concerns about the plans for the concession stand wastewater (cleaning the equipment). After some discussion, the septic/grease trap plan will be at the BOH by March 1st for review. Other issues regarding Crow Hill concerned noise complaints. The police department submitted numerous (19?) logs of noise complaints. The BOH will be able to ensure the noise meter will be functioning. Crow Hill will have a permit for 9 race dates, but doesn’t expect to use all of them. I have agreed to try to arrange a meeting with some of people who have lodged noise complaints to visit the track to check things out for themselves. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Advisory Boards presentation

Here is the Advisory Board's presentation that they made last night at the Selectmen's meeting. Good work. They recommended that we need to change the "town Coordinator" position to a "town administrator" position - as recommended by THE DOR REPORT-THAT WAS FINALLY EXCEPTED BY THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN. Buuttt here we go again the only one who made a motion to look into this was Julie of course. Soooo why did they vote to except the DOR report if they are not going to take the recommendations. and why won't they listen to the advisory board.(thanks Bev for the update)
 OH yeah and read their full report - they took a lot of time on this - free time - woo boy was I right or what about the conservation agent.
Thanks Advisory Board - woo boy some good work there!
so what now - Pauly

Monday, January 28, 2013

Shedding some Light…NOT!

Shedding some Light…NOT!

Last Wednesday, Pauly posted a blog entitled “Posting Job Positions”. This blog described the creation of a new position at Templeton Municipal Light and Water; that of Business Manager.

A request was made at the January 10, 2013 TMLWP meeting for the job posting and job description for the new Business Manager position.  The job posting is now available. It closed on January 25, 2013. The job was only available to all full time employees of the Templeton municipal Light & Water Plant.

The Business Manager Job description is now available. Makes one wonder how TMLWP can state on its letterhead that: “This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer”, when there is a stipulation in the job description (page 2 Requirements)
“3. Normal eyesight with or without corrective lenses
4. Normal hearing with or without hearing aids”

Might have been a good idea to actually check out the EEOC website before creating this discriminatory job description.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell

For your viewing pleasure..... light Dept letter

Thanks Dave for sharing this letter from the light dept.

Now that that's been said! I didn't want to start anything myself BUT,you know me AND i quote Mr. Driscoll and have it on tape, In 2009 we charged a minimum charge of 4.00 and changed it to a "customer" charge for all customers to pay every time they get billed. As Mr. driscoll adds up all the stuff to make this smell better it seems to me the income at TMLWP went up enough to pay all the pilot and then also a raise for the management too, the fact is in the eyes of the beholder. Read it and believe it. 4.00 minimum charge for camps and summer homes would be maybe 300-600 bills times 6 months total 14,000. of the 168,000 for new income when the change occurred in 2009 still 154,000 extra charged to the ratepayers 154,000 x 3 years =462,000 new income billed for us being customers, now how will you vote!
I knew when i asked about the 4.00 charge i hit the nerve and that meeting was not a warm feeling type of meeting like they are now. He is on tape and owns this as we can say now there should be more in the pilot and we can prove the money came from us, over and over. There's more that has not been brought out and will be,when the camera is rolling for the full length of meeting. My question is what did our money buy? Pension,fleet,raises,more office equipment, windmills,power lines to seaman paper mill, lines to seaman's power plant? why in 2009 did we all get zapped 48.00 per year to be customers, and why should it be ok now to lower it to only 36.00 . Were still getting screwed out of the 36.00. what part of the pilot formula changed in 2009 that added for the extra charge to us? "0" Someone help me with my calculator it seems to be smoking a bit!As the board stated at other meetings if the pilot payment increases the rate payers will be charged more to make up for it! Well we did but they haven't! Time to ask why the commissioners did not see this one for us. The pilot is a pivotal point of interest for us to dwell on and that part of TMLWP is what is broken the most.
You can't make this up I "quoted" Mr.Driscoll
Dave Smart

As the windmill Turns.........

As the turbine turns, Templeton's Green power initiative has one hell of a "grey area" and I for one want some answers sooner not later! Why doesn't it turn/rotate like the ones we see in Gardner? When it doesn't turn we still pay for it like it is turning. Power has to be purchased from another source and not as green as we think, As with princeton light dept maybe the turbine is to risky to run!
It hasn't turned all week and i wonder what it costed for that to not produce anything but a bill for our ownership.
The audit company needs to be contacted by the BOS and questions need to be asked about the audit and i have a list that would be a good place to start. After a letter i sent to General Driscoll with questions about the prior meeting and his response i think we need to form a think tank as to how to handle the changes about to happen there. As with all who have signed the petition to abolish the commission say why is my bill so high?When they find out what the previous general manager gets for a pension they say thank you for stopping by and good luck, a very few would not sign and that's ok they are afraid to get their lights turned off. That's sad and should not happen even in Templeton. The letter is and response will be posted here and will be interesting to view as you will see how the General earns his pay and wonder why we pay him what we do!
He lists labor costs of 104,367 to do the billing,reading and a office expense cost of 33,330.You can't make this up.
Check monday for the letter and breakdown of the 4.00 customer charge and how he can reduce it to 3.00 to save face in these very difficult times at Templeton's light dept. Don't miss the movie you shareholders.
Dave Smart

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Here's something that a blogger sent to me

Hi Pauly

I just read this in today's Telegram and Gazette and thought it might be interesting to readers of the blog. Do what you want with it. This guy hit the nail on the head for sure.

Gov. Patrick’s usual means of handling a monetary problem is to tax everyone to death, whether through higher gas taxes, more toll roads, raising the income tax, raising the state sales tax, etc. None of his solutions offers better management, better controls on spending, reduced waste, etc. The Legislature will probably agree with him. They go the complete opposite of good business. Saving millions of taxpayers dollars by opening up all future construction, whether roads, bridges, buildings, etc. to the lowest qualified bidder whether union or not would save millions. But he and the legislators are owned by the unions. Police, school, fire, municipal workers, etc. Not one elected official has the nerve or backbone to stand up to the unions who pay thousands, if not millions into the politicians’ pockets and expect all nonunion workers to be excluded from getting bids.
It’s time to care about the Massachusetts taxpayers instead of whether you’ll have union backing and money for your re-election.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

letter re: East Templeton School

Here is a letter from the advisory Board chairman to the Board of Selectmen thought you all might like to see. whoo boy what is Virginia thinking.........

My town of Templeton - Our town of Templeton

Getting better from being sick and sitting in my house all day I get to do all lot of thinking- could be a good thing but not at 3:00 in the morning hee-hee-hee when i get soooo pi---- at what some people have done to MY TOWN OF TEMPLETON and what some people are continuing to do to MY TOWN OF TEMPLETON.
I thought of the word sabotage -got this from as movie I watched the other day - like I said nothing but time to think and watch and watch again the dvds of the meetings in town. we had Bob bubba Columbus in the selectmans seat two different times. The first time he chased out Doreen Noble at the COA with harassment  then when he was elected again he harassed Tammy Collar, Treasurer. was there some point to this - they were both good people who did their jobs and did them good. what the hell is wrong with him - Bubba - then I see on tape that he shows up at a light and water meeting and runs into the back room with Driscoll when Driscoll goes to make a phone call.  woo boy what is this sh----. who boy let's see he also harrassed and fired Jeff Ritter. and cost us a fortune with K&P. legal fees- legal fees- legal fees Soooo let's see -do I want him anywhere near any of the town offices in MY TOWN OF TEMPLETON hell no -  HEE_HEE_HEE

Posting Job Positions

Posting Job Positions

Please review the following blog posting:

At the January 10, 2013 TMLWP discussion ensued around the creation of a “Business Manager” position. Requests have been made for the posting and job description of this newly created “Business Manager “ position.

There has been no response to the request for the job posting and job description until today. The response is strange at best.

How’s that transparency in government working out for you?

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell

Seeing the light…

Excitement! Headline in today’s Gardner News :” Light plant set to offer new rebates” . Great news, right? It is good news, if you live in Ashburnham.  Electric customers of TMLWP will see a $1.00 reduction in the  $4.00 “service charge”. Look what Ashburnham electric customers receive.

Ashburnham Municipal Light Plant also has a website. This website includes a link for On-line Electric Bill Pay. Can it be true? There are links to meeting agendas as well as minutes. Somehow it is possible to have a municipal light department that looks out for the customers/ratepayers/shareholders interests.  What a concept! Hope it catches on.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

sent to me by Mark Barrieau

The Sentinel is a pretty good paper.  Here's an article about the state and local government pension problem:


I'm in favor of putting the cost of everyone's pension in the account for the budget year. We need to pay for pension liability as we go.  One thing this kind of budgeting would do - it would make local government more realistic of the actual costs when these union contracts are negotiated.

Some figures from that article:

$183,000,000 each month just for school retirees, $2,190,000,000 per year.  Retired cops, firefighters, light company employees etc also must be paid.

Massachusetts has only 63 cents funded for every dollar owed.

Look at the pension liabilities.  Very generous - to get $80k in pension, how much did they make while working?  171 retired school workers get over $100k in pension payments each year.

If the town's budget looks bad, how bad does it look if we fully fund our pension liability?

Monday, January 21, 2013

BOS Meeting January 14, 2013…the Movie

BOS Meeting
January 14, 2013…the Movie

The recording of the BOS meeting from January 14th has been uploaded to Youtube. The file is too large to combine into one feature length video. It is available in easily digested segments. Enjoy!

Part 1 BOS Meeting January 14, 2013

Part 2 BOS Meeting January 14, 2013

Part 3 BOS Meeting January 14, 2013

Links to two related blogs from the January 14th meeting:


Julie Farrell

another sighting

thanks to the anonymous tipster.....
seems that Stevie Brehio has orders to keep an eye on the happenings at the ET school. He was seen driving onto the property and around back when he saw the broadband guys running wires (as they are doing all over town) then he buzzed off to echo hill... to report....

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Still here!! Hee-hee-hee

Morning all, I want to thank those of you who put the DVDs on cable and online so all can watch. It will be a little bit longer before I can attend a meeting – this being flu and cold season and all – I can’t catch anything. And with people hacking away at these meetings hee-hee-hee. And no Virginia I’m not dead yet hee-hee-hee.
So do as I do and watch these meetings then watch them again and again. Woo boy – I’ve been told that I make more comments than Pete when I watch these hee-hee-hee.

VW sighting

VW and BC at Echo HIll this afternoon 1pm. Must need coaching on what to say to the DOR and the Attorney's General Office! Hee-hee-hee

Friday, January 18, 2013

Shedding some light…the movie

Shedding some light…the movie
January 2013

More, rare archival footage of TMLWP meetings has recently been obtained and uploaded to YouTube for your viewing pleasure.

January 10, 2013 full meeting

Or in installments

Part 1 January 10, 2013
Part 2 January 10, 2013
Part 3 January 10, 2013
Part 4 January 10, 2013

During the Light portion of this meeting, discussion ensued about creating a Business Manager position. I asked if the position were going to be posted. Then, the manager called a recess to make a phone call. We were informed at the meeting that even though it was not “required”, he would post the position.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Veterans’ Services

Veterans’ Services

At Monday’s BOS meeting (1/14/13), the first agenda item was discussion about Veteran’s services with Neil McGuirk and Dennis O’Brien.  Templeton is a member of the Northeast Quabbin District; Neil McGuirk is the director of veterans’ services for the Northeast Quabbin District.

At the meeting, I asked for historical data from Mr. McGuirk – numbers and figures since Templeton became a member of the Northeast Quabbin District nearly six years ago. My request was not for the individual identities, but rather the number of veterans served over the years and the benefits received as well as the cost to provide those much-needed services to our veterans.

The town coordinator received an e-mail from Neil McGuirk regarding the BOS meeting the previous night:

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Shedding Some Light…the Movie

Rare archival footage of TMLWP meetings has recently been obtained and uploaded to YouTube for your viewing pleasure.

December 11, 2012 full meeting

Or in installments

Part 1 December 11, 2012

Part 2 December 11, 2012

Part 3 December 11, 2012

Part 4 December 11, 2012

Part 4 was cut short due to technical difficulties.

TMLWP January meeting will be posted shortly.


I would like to personally thank the person who "found" this rare archival footage, hee-hee-hee Without you we all would not get to know what is going on at these meetings - Pauly

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Brief Update on 1/14/13 BOS Meeting

For a meeting with a long agenda, last night’s well-attended BOS meeting went smoothly.

The lead off hitter was Neil McGuirk and Dennis O’Brien to discuss Veteran’s Services. Questions arose about the $27,500 requested increase for January. The Town will be reimbursed 75% of the costs for veteran’s services …a year later.

I asked about historical data on the number of veterans served per/year for a number of years, preferably back to 2005 when our arrangement with regional veterans services began. The reaction from the veteran’s agent was such that I thought I was attending a Light & Water meeting. “No information for you!” “Need a vote by the veterans board” Are you kidding me? Three months into this fiscal year, and you send along a bill for an additional $27,500 and you don’t think we should have any questions? Maybe it’s time to look into a part-time veteran’s agent for the Town of Templeton.


Ginny was over at Echo Hill this morning around 10. Looks like they're expecting others too. Feelin the heat???

Friday, January 11, 2013

Another new small business in town

I just got my Mass. State shiner trapping and selling license and have opened up a native shiner bait shop, (Steve`s shiner shop), in my garage at 213 Hubbardston RD. this week. A sign is out at the road in front of my garage. As far as I know I am the only one selling native shiners in the area. I am open Mon - Sat 3PM to 8 PM. Although I will be open at the time I stated and since my garage is separate from my house, I am suggesting that any one interested in buying shiners call me at 978-895-0620 before coming over so as to be sure I will be in the garage to help them. Tooting the horn in the drive way should also get my attention. I will not be open before 3 PM so I suggest buying shiners the evening before the next days ice fishing.
Native Red Fin Shiners are much more productive and active to fish with and I sell all sizes for the same price per dozen. . Customers get an assortment of sizes, small to medium large, to fish with.


If anyone has a local small business they would like to promote please forward the info....'ll gladly post it. Pauly

PS hey Steve is the ice safe?
GOOD LUCK MR D.  - ace that interview! I know you will! hee hee hee

Shedding Some Light…2013

Attendance was up at the Light and Water meeting last night. At some points it was Standing Room Only. Best opening quote was from Virginia Wilder as she entered the meeting with Bob Columbus : “Why don’t you shut up, Pete” In reference to Pete Kasper commenting: “Here come the stooges”

WATER MEETING – The FY 12 water audit indicates a surplus of $41,000. (The water main breaks in July are FY 13).

The Zone II delineation, years in the making, is finally ready for approval. There are maps of the completed re-drawn Zone II water delineation.  There is a conflict between the BOH regulations and the planning board by-laws that will need to be rectified at Town meeting. No meeting date has been set for discussion between the BOH, Planning board and water department. Hopefully, these issues will be ready resolved for the Town meeting in May. A final cost for the Zone II should be ready shortly.

2011 Fluoride Award – was not received by the water department but by the BOH. Maybe the  BOH will have a ceremony marking this momentous occasion.

Pete Farrell provided the commissioners with information from the Harvard School of Public Health that indicates water fluoridation lowers IQ.

help is not on the way

Well I must have drank some of that florid kool aid, because there was so much cooperation at to nights' Light and Water meeting, I thought we could go for the gold, and get them to work with the rest of the town to formalize a PIOLET. Julie brought the subject up, and the response was deafening. Not a squeak, our fine commissioners ignored the fact she even brought it up. Oh I may as well tell you what I got out of this gathering. I missed the great award ceremony, but there was signs that the bd. was willing to look at giving low income residents and people on assistance a break, some time down the road. This is a huge improvement, along with the fact they may give us a break on the 4:00 charge they give us each month for printing the bills.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Invaluable Support

The TMLWP has accomplished many good works for the Town of Templeton. The latest editorial in the January 9, 2013 Gardner News gives testimony to that fact.

In addition to this good news, the water department has won the 2011 Fluoride Award from the Massachusetts department of Public Health.

Let’s all participate in the celebration of this momentous occasion by attending the Light and Water meeting tonight at 6:00 p.m.

Hope to see you there.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Use of Town Vehicles

Use of Town Vehicles

In light of the current financial difficulties, it may be time to revisit the practice of town employees bringing town vehicles home.

In the past, the BOS voted to allow the highway superintendent to take a highway vehicle home during the winter months. I believe the police chief and the fire chief have wording in their contracts to take their vehicles home. I believe the manager of the light and water department takes his vehicle home as well. I think that’s it.

The time has come to look at these policies. We may be facing a $163,000 cut in this years operating budget. I think we should look at any potential savings in expenses. This may be one place to start.

Julie Farrell

Municipal Databank

The Department of Revenue has a ton of information about cities and towns in Massachusetts. It is available online and free of charge.  It is called the Municipal Databank.

There is a section to obtain data on Property Tax. Debt and Financial Indicators has links to financial flexibility reports, free cash, free cash and stabilization fund balances as percentage of budget, regional school excess and deficiency funds, enterprise fund retained earnings….look at this:
DOR Code / Municipality / Enterprise Fund Description

The DOR has the sewer enterprise in Templeton listed with $919,779 in Enterprise funds retained earnings in 2012. Why isn’t there a listing for the water enterprise fund? Isn’t that odd? Curious even? Just more things that make you go hmmm…

Have fun exploring the Municipal Databank !

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell