Paul working for you.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Question of the week

How does the Town of Templeton, as in the taxpayers, end up receiving a bill for a document request made by a private citizen to a private company? At the BOS meeting on Monday evening, August 25, 2014, it was brought up that the town had received an invoice for an amount of money that was for a document request from Mr. Gerald Skelton. Apparently Mr. Skelton contacted ESC, a private company that had done the initial environmental paperwork for 252 Baldwinville Road. That was a building the town bought that was going to be turned into a town hall. Mr. Skelton had been a member of the select board as well as Chairman of the town hall building committee. But I am still puzzled at how Mr. Skelton could request a document from ESC but the bill for that document was sent to the Town of Templeton. I don't believe the question (s) were brought up as to whether Mr. Skelton had misrepresented himself to the company as a town official or if the company had assumed Mr. Skelton was still a town official. It would appear that Mr. Skelton failed to make clear he was requesting the document as a private citizen. Hopefully, it was made clear by the town to this company that Mr. Skelton is no longer affiliated with Town government. Whatever the case, it is good that someone was on the ball in the selectmen's office and this was caught and it was discussed at an open meeting. Most importantly, the taxpayers did not end up with the bill.


  1. This incident of the town being invoiced for the bill from ECS is just another example of the "old way" of doing business. The fact that the town will not pay this bill is evidence that we are heading in the right direction.

    This situation reminds me of the incident where Jerry Skelton applied for a USDA loan while a private citizen. He was the chairman of the building committee, but he was not a member of the BOS at that time of the USDA loan application. The BOS never voted to apply for the USDA loan.

    All of the proceedings of the 252 Baldwinville Rd purchase and building committee activities are part of the "Investigation" . The town needs a resolution for these four incidents. Multiple requests have been made to the state for help on these issues. Right now this bill has been sent out to pasture. The people elected this fall will determine the fate of this bill. I'm still doing research on who to support in the primary. I do support Rep. Andrews. She has been very supportive of the town and this bill. She understands the town needs closure on these issues.

    One thing is for certain, these issues are NOT going away.

  2. I think this is the missing docs. we were looking for all along. If so he should pay double for the stupid way things were done. As it stands now it would be hard to say it was a mistake to move to ET. All the money spent in rent for years could have been used to better our town in so many ways. Or pay down the "fools" debt were all now stuck with.It could be worse it could be a 40 year loan like they wanted to get for us. I wonder if the school learned how to do projects from the former politician?
    I would think the money would come first not the project start date. Were we sold a vote on maybe a 1/4 million grant or a sure 1/4 mllion grant? The numbers she sold us don't add up if the 1/4 million gets lost in the shuffle. Or you could say lost in the chips. If we heat the school with the propane backup due to a late start on the chip burner we are going to be out big money to heat the place. Not sure on the number but the tank size for propane will need to be a bit bigger than expected.
