Paul working for you.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Tax Rate

Tax Rate
The Tax rate is set at $16.64 
This is a 40 cent increase over FY 14

The MSBA money was not received in time.


  1. Is this for real ? What happened to the wait until Wednesday and show the DOR the check that we were supposed to get from the MSBA ? How did this get so screwed up ?

  2. Mike, as a member of the advisory board, you are suppose to have acces to all things financial in Templeton. Perhaps you or the board could enlighten us to who, if any is the BOS representative on the elementary school building comm. Who is communicating with Msba on behalf of the town? The school is a town project so I would hope the BOS is doing that job. Also, perhaps the advisory can inform us who has been responsible for the Msba turn overs and was expected to do this in a timely manner.

  3. So i guess we will be short another 178,000.00 if the figure is off a little forgive me. Will the blame go to the school people or the financial team? Where will the money come from to run the town now if we had the amount figured in the budget from this.
    I smell a layoff.

  4. Last spring the BOS was told by the school superintendent that the reimbursement from the MSBA would happen before the end of the fiscal year (June 30, 2014 - FY14). That did not happen. The school superintendent stated that her staff was capable of handling the reimbursement procedure in a timely manner. THAT DID NOT HAPPEN.

    In order for the tax bills to processed in time, the billing company needs the file by THIS MONDAY! Before they can receive the file, the tax rate needs to be approved by the DOR in Springfield and then sent to Boston for final approval. Deb Wegner in Springfield waited until the last possible moment hoping that the confirmation of the MSBA money would come through. Her supervisor was leaving at 11:30 am and needed to review the work before sending it onto to Boston for final DOR approval.

    The DOR has approved the tax rate and the bills will go out in time. The large and avoidable increase in the tax rate is due to the school superintendent not following through on the MSBA reimbursements in a timely manner.

    If the town did not get the tax rate set and the file sent to the billing company, then the town would be in the same position as last year - no revenue coming in until May which is completely unacceptable.

    As far as MSBA reimbursements, I have always believed that the numbers were off. I believe the BOS was deliberately misled about the amount of money remaining for the feasibility study so we would sign a new contract with the OPM. These are my opinions. We have not seen any documentation regarding the MSBA reimbursements.

    Merry Christmas!

  5. What really bothers me is that at budget time last April, some members of the Advisory Board were against adding this revenue to the budget because there were no guarantees that we would receive it in a timely manner. And at that TAB meeting we had that discussion with the town accountant as to whether we should add in this revenue. In the long run, the board voted the budget which included the reimbursement due to the many assurances that it would be taken care of in a timely fashion (and the fact that it would require slashing much more from an already slashed budget). And once again, the people of the town get screwed.

    When are we going to start running this town like a business ?

    Merry Christmas !

  6. I agree with you !00% Mike, the people of this town are getting screwed again.

  7. This is one of the reasons I always pushed for this project to be controlled by and for all dealings with Msba go thru the selectmen. Would that grantee no goof ups, of course not but it would cut down on the layers of admin for taxpayers to deal with.

  8. Correction; would that guarantee no goof ups........

  9. If this is the way the school administration handles our money just waite till the chip plant bills start to be uncovered.
    With the start up date getting closer and closer we should soon know how much the chips will cost us. I would think te deal would have been checked out prior to now but i guess we shouldn't think about chips before they need them to burn. How about the cost of the propane now?We should be able to find the cost to heat with just that and if the chips are not affordable compaired to propane we could look for a good used oil boiler. Time to put in for some FOIA requests.Time to start asking questions about how the administration is doing with our very large investment.

  10. Where's Huff n Puff when we need him!

    1. My guess is Puffy is hiding under the bed because the Superintendent just caused a big problem for this town. Gee, just when I was beginning to think this lady could walk on water ! Hee, hee, yah right ! Anyone with half a ounce of common sense would not have ditched the oil burner and tank. What goes up usually goes down, but even though it is true, that will not help us now. I know one thing, the people working for the town better not pay for this" mistake" with a layoff. It's the schools turn to get hit for a change. Bev.

  11. Last spring the BOS was told by the school superintendent "Ruth Miller" that the reimbursement from the MSBA would happen before the end of the fiscal year (June 30, 2014 - FY14). That did not happen. The school superintendent stated that her staff was capable of handling the reimbursement procedure in a timely manner. THAT DID NOT HAPPEN.
    WHY Ruth has not done her job is the big question that needs to be asked and answered.
    I'm sure the invisible huff n puff dragon would have a way to spin that too! "ketchup" anyone?
    How is that land deal going? Is it only worth 400K and will appraisal be another setback for the school deal be due to the price were willing to pay for it?
    It seems odd the few people who actually get involved until the shit hit the Templeton fan.
    I hope you didn't need the 50+ extra in taxes you now will pay because of the lack of ability our school administration has shown us. When will we get this fully explained to us? Time for a joint school bld committee/Selectmen meeting? Would be nice to have this info out for all to see how the town government has their hands tied by departments like Light and water,school unable to nail a budget no matter how hard they try.
    What up huffy the one time we need to read yours? Choke,choke,choke?

  12. It looks like proposition 2 1/2 saved the people who can not afford a higher tax rate increase. 50$ per average home of 150K.
    Bev get the info from 2 places and start the washer up and see what comes out. The lady at the school who works for Ruth has been great for the requests i've asked about. I'm sure she will help you get the info we need to tell the whole story.

  13. what needs to be done is get former employees of MBW junkyard to fess up just where the contaminated sections may be. For the money being asked the property should be a well groomed pasture

    1. I have had a bad feeling about this whole school building fiasco that has been going on and on for a good number of years. I hope to God I am not right. What if the all powerful MSBA will not release the money because the town has not voted to build this school in the first place ??? Our friend Ms. Miller has not had the courage to ask for a vote to see if the people will actually build the dam thing, as far as I know. We have voted on bits and pieces that go into getting the building planned, and some money up front, but the whole ball of wax, not really. The extra 40 cents will not make a lot of people very angry, not a good thing for the MSBA or Ms.Miller. What the hell were they thinking ?? Bev.

  14. Please visit the Msba web site to see how it is suppose to work. Most of the money received or reimbursement is a timing thing. Basically, for ecru dollar Templeton spends on approved expenditures, Msba gives the town back approximately 59 cents. Key word is approved and land is not one. Very simply, a step in the project is completed, a bill is received, paid then sent to Msba and they look it over, approve of any covered costs then send a check. All of this takes time and many members of the BOS have not been willing to take full control of this project. Many layers of admin for taxpayers to deal with. MSBA website has the info and it is not fast or easy to find it all but it is there. One just has to be willing to put in the time.

  15. While you are reading, read very carefully, both the wording and the outcome of article 6 of the special town meeting of March 29, 2014.

    1. Jeff, I am so glad you spend time looking up the things that are really important for the rest of us to understand. Your work and opinion is important to me, and I want you to know that. Have a good Christmas and pat the dogs for me.. By the way, nice truck !! Bev.

  16. From Town Clerk webpage:


    To see if the Town will vote to appropriate, borrow or transfer from available funds, an amount of money to be expended under the direction of Templeton Elementary School Building Committee for the Schematic Design portion of the Feasibility Study for the Templeton Elementary School, located off Route 202, King Philips Trail in Templeton, MA, known as Crow's Hill, identified as Town Assessor identification no. 2-7-40 and described in the deed recorded at the Worcester County Registry of Deeds in Book 1600, Page 313, for which feasibility study the Town may be eligible for a grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority. The MSBA’s grant program is a non- entitlement, discretionary program based on need, as determined by the MSBA, and any costs the Town incurs in connection with the feasibility study in excess of any grant approved by and received from the MSBA shall be the sole responsibility of the Town. Submitted by the Selectboard at the request of the School Committee
    A motion was duly made and seconded to move the question.

    Passed/March 29th @ 12:51

    On a motion duly made and seconded the town voted that five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) be hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying costs of the Feasibility Study/Schematic Design work ahead for the Templeton Center Elementary School, located at 17 South Road, in Templeton MA, including the payment of all costs incidental or related thereto, and for which the Town may be eligible for a grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (“MSBA”), said amount to be expended under the direction of the Templeton Elementary School Building Committee. To meet this appropriation the Narragansett Regional School District, with the approval of the Templeton Board of Selectmen, is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44, or pursuant to any other enabling authority. The Town acknowledges that the MSBA’s grant program is a non-entitlement, discretionary program based on need, as determined by the MSBA, and any costs the Town incurs in excess of any grant approved by and received from the MSBA shall be the sole responsibility of the Town, and further provided that the appropriation hereunder shall be subject to and contingent upon an affirmative vote of the Town to exempt the amounts required for the payment of interest and principal on said borrowing from the limitations on taxes imposed by M.G.L. 59, Section 21C (Proposition 2 1⁄2), and that the amount borrowing authorized pursuant to this vote shall be reduced by any grant amount set forth in the Feasibility Study Agreement that may be executed between the Town and the MSBA.

    Passed/March 29th @ 12:52

    So the Feasibility Study Agreement is between the Town of Templeton and MSBA? Interesting.

  17. The passed article states "the nrhs district is authorized to borrow ....." With the approval of the selectmen. Since the district is made up of 2 towns, does this mean Phillipston selectmen have to ok this too?

  18. Approval of The Templeton board of selectmen. I read that as only one board spending one towns money.
