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Friday, April 6, 2018

Do NOT Drink Fluoridated Water

Warning to Pregnant Women: Do Not Drink Fluoridated Water

What is Fluoridated Water? 

Approximately 70% of communities across America add fluoride to their public drinking water for the alleged benefit of protecting teeth from caries. This water is called fluoridated water. 

Why a Warning to Pregnant Moms? 

To protect the brains and IQ of their offspring. 

What is this Warning Based On? 

A major 12-year study with pregnant mothers and their offspring reported in 2017 that the mothers’ exposure to certain levels of fluoride resulted in decreased IQs in their children. The fluoride levels were determined by testing the urine of the pregnant mothers. These levels were approximately the same levels for adults living in communities with fluoridated water. 

Why Water? 

Water is the major route of exposure to fluoride for the general population. And communities that have water fluoridation programs put the offspring of pregnant women at risk. 

What water should pregnant women drink if they live in fluoridated communities? 

1. Do not drink tap water or use it to prepare food such as soups, rice, pasta, tea, coffee, etc. 2. Buy bottled water that has been filtered by reverse osmosis or distillation.
3. Or, buy spring water after confirming with the distributor the levels of fluoride.
4. Or, install a reverse osmosis filter under the kitchen sink. This will cost about $300. 

Why don’t the Departments of Health at the State & Federal level release this warning? 

1. They are afraid to lose “face” because of decades of promotion of water fluoridation. 
2. They are required to promote policy (water fluoridation) and not its risks
3. They do not keep up with the literature on fluoride’s health risks.
4. They don’t believe in the Precautionary Principle (BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY) 

What can I do? 

Promote this warning by working in your community. Strategize with friends and colleagues on the best ways to get the message out (flyers, posters, letters to editor). Request your city and county health departments, and the local WIC program, to issue warnings to pregnant women; request your city council to place a moratorium on water fluoridation.


  1. Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. How is it that our school systems promote water fluoridation while studies show that fluoride decrees our IQ? The Corporation that runs our country could care less about us they are only interested in making money. Time to wake up and see this cesspool for what it is. Here is the history of that cesspool CessPool

  2. Hexafluorosilicic acid is added to treated drinking at a concentration of 5mg/litre water. (Because it's a 20% solution more than 0.7ppm of the fluoridating acid has to be added to achieve 0.7ppm fluoride.) The fluoridating acid contains antimony, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and nickel. Granted that they are present in minuscule proportions but which lunatic decided that it was alright to add these carcinogens to potable drinking water just so that tiny children could try to avoid toothache? The evidence is published in BSEN 12175:2013. This is a British Standard from the UK which is intended the placenta and gets into the fetal brain, thus causing a reduction in intelligence. If fluoride affects intelligence across society, then genuises will no longer be geniuses but educational sub-normal will be cretins. This will cause the downfall of society. Eventually, we'll be back swinging in the trees!
