Paul working for you.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Putting the “FUN” in Dys”fun”ctional

Seeing is believing. Here are the recordings of the BOS meeting from December 3, 2012.

December 3, 2012 BOS meeting part 1 and part 2– Discussion about the “letters” to be sent (maybe??? Hunh?) to Light & Water kind of. Possibly? Begins at 42 minutes into part 1. Must see TV. Your government inaction.

Tax delinquencies discussion began at about 6 minutes into the meeting. Jeff Ritter’s evaluation began at about 30 minutes into the meeting.

Are we having fun yet?

My opinion…supported by FACTS!!!

Julie Farrell


  1. Yay! Thanks Julie. This is a good meeting to have on video. There are several good quotes and several good points made in the audience. One being when Bev asked why the L&W dept took out the word "municipal" from their name. Chris who is a commissioner said "I don't know" and Scrappy said "because its easier to spell". Commissioner doesn't know anything about what he commissions and Scrappy shows where his mind is.

    One other juicy quote is from good ole gal Ginny when discussing L&W and the enterprise issue came up. Some asked the question why the sewer dept has to go to the town whenever they need anything and Ginny said "Because we still manage their debt. People don't take the sewer department seriously...that's what I get from talking to people". First of all, use Gerry's name. We all know who "people" refers to. Second, if you and "people" took the sewer dept seriously, you may have millions of dollars in the town's bank account to spend to your little heart's desire. Third, I find it disgraceful that a selectman would not take ANY department seriously! And fourth, the guys at the sewer department have been treated like crap for years and years. They're facing some of the toughest issues in town and not only do they need to be taken seriously, they need extra support to get through these issues. I'm sure the guys on the sewer department will LOVE to hear this comment!

    1. Maybe this is why Tom J and VW were having it out at the Advisory Board meeting. Ginny was told by her dear friends to not take the Sewer Dept. seriously. Oh yeah, the Sewer Dept. is crazy, just like Pauly. This is typical of Echo Hill, distract from the money owed by calling someone crazy and divert attention from the real problem. GS, CS and K&P screwed us out of MILLIONS. Now that is crazy. If Ginny spent half the time reading up on the mess with American Tissue rather than believing hearsay from the guilty parties, she might sing a different tune.

  2. Let's face it; the sewer employees have a sh---y job and are being treated like sh-t by the board of selectman. Let's put Templeton L & Water on notice, handle them like an acountable branch on the tree and let's heal the sewer department. Gone are the days of S&S and K&P. We have only ourselves to blame today's actions on. Let's go. Hi Ginny. You have a way of quoting what's on the "blog" all the while stating you don't read it. Hearsay? I say not. I say hello and have a Wilder day:)

  3. Any selectman that states they don't take an essential service "seriously" is openly admitting that they are not taking their role as selectman seriously. And if this is the case, they should step down and let a grown up take their place. Shameful remark! Virginia, you truly need to do your homework. And stop getting your information from your dear friends. They're setting you up to take the fall for their wrong doings. You are a pawn. And if you can't see this for yourself, I feel very sad for you. You got elected by Let the People Speak, Inc. I'm sure you thought you were fighting a good fight and believed in what you were fighting for. Unfortunately, you were fighting for the people who were knowingly screwing the town, ignoring laws and bullying and harassing their way through life. Where are Let the People Speak, Inc. now? If it was such a noble cause, you think they would still be in tact and still attending meetings fighting the good fight and supporting your role on the BOS. Instead, you are sent into the game alone with a bogus playbook. I'm glad you read the blog. At least you are smart enough to know to come here to learn about town politics and how the citizens feel about things. But seriously, stop making villains out of people who are trying to correct the decade of wrong doings. If you are trying to stay true to all the reasons you said you wanted to run for selectman, then open your eyes and see the real picture. Educate yourself on the laws and bylaws.
