Paul working for you.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Dave Smart thinks profits are bad so.......

Bud Chase has stated at several selectmen meetings that the Town of Templeton makes money when Templeton highway plows the schools out for $25,000.00 - $27,000.00 so to help reduce school spending and to prevent Templeton from making a profit, the Town should perhaps only charge $15,000.00. Maybe do it for free since profit is bad!

I think to provide a governmental service for the lowest cost would be for the town of Templeton to cancel the uniform contract because contractors are bad and we can do the job ourselves, so the highway workers can buy, wash and maintain their own uniforms, just like the people serving their country in the military have to do.

Work boots wore out, guess you have to buy em yourself, take better care of them this time.

Run the light department like the highway so next time we have an ice storm and everyone's power is out, the light trucks will look and work like highway trucks. We will get your power on when we can because we do the best we can with what we have and we can't be bringing in any of them big bad contractors because they might be making money as in profits so they can have good running equipment so they can get the job done.

Jeff Bennett


  1. You can read into and write about things anyway you want Jeff it's your right. The point you make again and again is with your opinion and without questions is a bit off the mark. When bud said the town makes money did you hear how much? Did you ask anyone how much?
    Would this be a way to tell the whole story for once?
    If you were told the highway didn't make money for the town plowing the schools would you also put that out?
    My point is Jeff what are the numbers? How much did the town make?
    Do you know? Did You think to ask? If i told you would you believe me?
    As you know when you tried to push the former superintendant of schools to get a private to plow what were you told?
    As chairman you must remember what she told you!
    So Jeff to compare the cost to the town for plowing/sanding and cleaning sand you may need to ask some questions about the whole subject.
    I think what Bud was saying is the town doesn't loose money when we plow the schools out.
    With a fixed price as a contractor should know to estimate a profit without a known cost is a gamble.
    Unlike the Light and Water they have a fixed cost and a margin set by regulations. 8% over cost i believe.
    Add on the other income like rent/lease out side work for state Ferncol area and you have a gravy boat running over with cash. So why if the profits are from multi sources do they charge more for power. Gardner national grids at 8 per kilowatt hr. and if we look at our bills it's 9.38 cents per kilowatt hr.?
    You talk about the highway trucks the same way as you research your "stories"
    Did you think the Light dept. got no help from the highway?
    Wow you didn't ask about that end of it did you.
    Your highway dept. did as much to clear roads so the Light crews could do the jobs they needed.
    With the trucks the highway keeps running for longer times to save the town money.
    The whole story is what the people need here Jeff.
    Try it some time you may find some people will comment.
    Or just Quit posting them with out getting answers.
    Post all you want about my pay,boots,uniforms. It's all public knowledge as you know.
    If you want a copy of the new local 39 Highway Sewer union/town contract i will be happy to give it to you.
    We just signed it and it's just one more thing that got done without you.Almost 2 years to come to an agreement.

  2. lets go from bottom up, I am pretty sure and perhaps Dave can answer this, but for a union entity to work without a contract, I believe the union has to agree to that, so now Dave you can tell us that whole story. I really don't care what is in the contract at this time, it is signed and the selectmen gave whatever they gave. Is the $250.00 per man boot allowance still in there? Dave, you may find this hard to believe, but I do not really care if anyone writes a comment about anything, I know people read it. So now highway runs the trucks longer so as to save taxpayers money, so do us a favor, run the excavator for another 10 years and stop asking for a new one. As for the light dept., if you read what I wrote, it was in the context of a comparison, and by the way, I believe there is a plaque somewhere from the 101st engineer battalion, who were in Templeton helping out during the ice storm as well. But I was not really talking about who did what and how much, sorry if you felt left out. Dave, you may need to ask some questions yourself, of your boss, Bud Chase, because I do not have to think of what he said, he stated the town makes money plowing the schools because it does not cost that much to plow them out and that is on video! You may also find this hard to believe Dave, but I was not really on the former superintendents Christmas card list. Last I recall, we got bogus information on how much was spent on highway equipment in the form of maintenance, we got that whole story when a selectmen asked Bud directly, at least I think we got the whole story? I would have to look up the minutes to tell you what the superintendent may have said exactly, you know, so it is a real true fact. I believe they did not ask about sweeping up sand, which if you use salt, you don't have to sweep it up. Now Dave, maybe you can tell us the whole story you seem to always refer too, which I am still waiting on about Templeton light. Remember, if you drive a big dump truck, and if you have a CDL, you suppose to do a pre-trip inspection every time, and that takes about 15 minutes, so at anytime, you find something during your inspection that you feel is wrong or unsafe, don't drive the truck and inform your supervisor. Remember, you are the one who wrote contractors are bad because all they want is profits and outside contractors should not get any money from town. You may have missed it, but I was only pointing out your hypocrisy concerning that position, especially when you yourself are a contractor, per your statement above; "we just signed it" the highway / sewer union contract.

  3. I really don't care what is in the contract at this time,is the boot allowance still in there? Sounds like you care to me Jeff.
    Did bud tell anyone how much money the town makes plowing the schools? You did not answer the question.
    If your good ear was listening when Bud explained the parts for the excavator are hard to get or not available.
    Information about budget was close enough for it to not be called a lie like you have. To use salt and more of it we need a new salt storage area and that money would need to come from chapter 90 money. Are you trying to set up the highway for a mistake and cause another series of unbelievable Blogs.
    Buds words can like anyones can be twisted if thats what you want to do. But the real story is when did you ask anyone any Questions about anything you put up about the highway?

  4. While on the subject of asking questions and telling the whole story, a few questions for you Dave, do you have a valid hoisting license? the Town excavator and a dump truck were at town hall this morning, did highway dig a hole or opening down there today? Did the highway or town go thru dig safe? Was the hole or opening filled in today? just so we have the whole real story.

  5. man says ask questions and don't answer them, enough said

  6. Jeff answers for you =#1 yes i hold a valid 2A #2=No #3Yes #4 No Contractor for vault is doing fundation footings.
    See how easy that was Jeff. Now we do know what the cost to have a contractor is for that type of work. Now we do know we need a excavator to do this type of work. Or would you think we could dig it by hand and shovel? You know like when you said we could use a wheelbarrow to do sand sweeping in the spring. Keep up the good Blogs and people will comment more. As i said before Jeff all you need to do is ask some questions to get the answers.
    Your welcome!

  7. actually Dave, I believe I said using a loader as a highs peed wheel barrow, which I have stated several times. Now the other question, is the $250.00 boot allowance still in the contract, that was a question. question # 2 was did you dig a hole down there and you have #2 as No. I asked those questions because there is an open excavation at the back corner of the building and is cordoned off with orange plastic type fencing about 3 or 4 feet high along with some barrels. Actually, I do think it could be dug by pick and shovel but I also believe it could be done with a rubber tire backhoe.

  8. Your question about the hole was on a specific day and it was answered with accuracy. Boots yes,why not? We ruin them for the town getting in and out to load our own trucks when we step into salt water.Steel toe boots keep foot injuries from being a large financial burden to the town and the department. We get the go ahead on the vault dig from the low bid CONTRACTOR who is doing the build. While were at it may you answer any of mine? Your wrong again about the backhoe in that hole.Did bud tell anyone how much money the town makes plowing the schools? You did not answer the question.

  9. A backhoe that I run for the company I work for will out dig that old excavator, plus you have the front bucket to backfill. I think the town needs a backhoe instead of an excavator. The one I use will dig 16 feet, so saying we need an excavator to do your work is false. I know Jeff will agree on this

  10. I'll be sure to let Bud know. We were as deep as we could get and still needed to go deeper but couldn't with the excavator we now have. The only way to dig on one lane projects is with a 360 swing unless you shut the roads off till finished. Mike what is it you use for equipment and what kind of work do you do with it.

  11. Templeton excavator is a John Deere 695, looked at John Deere web page on 595D and it shows dig depth of 20 ft. CAT rubber tire back hoe has dig depth 16 to 19 ft. The open excavation at Town hall looked to be about 4 ft deep and about 20 ft by 20 ft. and that is an eye ball measure. But when you are trying to sell an excavator, I do not expect any acknowledgement that for the Town, a backhoe would work.

  12. Jeff is into the wrong info area again and it is not a 695 Jeff but in FACT is a 495Just so you can get the correct facts posted for the readers. One could make many different things work but at the highway look at more than one job when the equipment needs come up for a replacement. The story has been told and it's now up to our board of selectmen to do the job they were elected for. Vote for the best interests of the towns needs. Vote how to spend the chapter 90 monies. Like many times before they can decide how to use the funds for upgrades, equipment and also roads. There have been many roads replaced in Templeton over the years and the excavator has been a large part of doing them.Productivity in a limited season is not a easy thing to control when a contractor expects a area ready when they get there. The point about depth for the vault was we were not to the footing of the building and could go no deeper with our machine. Way deeper past the 4' eyeball jeff could see. When your against the town purchase of a new piece of equipment what sounds good is what you print. People know the stories printed are more opinions than facts. As we see above the and from the 10 minute driveby visits without any questions asked we only get the opinions of a sided story. Just ask yourself WHY.
    Mike Morris what is your backhoe used for and what kind of work do you do with it?
    After checking the list i don't see you on it for comments. Could you email me at please.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Mike it's to be clear to do future comments.
    I don't have you on the list as cleared and who to contact.
