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Friday, June 12, 2015

North Quabbin Meeting to support HRC

Press Release: Elect Our First Woman President In 2016
Prepared by: Denise Andrews 1.513.780.0538

For Immediate Release June 9, 2015

The first of several Second Franklin District and North Quabbin Organizing Meetings for Hillary Clinton for President will be held this Saturday, June 13, 2015, from 3:00—5:00 PM at 182 Holtshire Road, Orange , MA 01364. All are welcomed.

It's time to gather and organize to build capacity and victory for a historic moment in electing Hillary Rohdman Clinton as our first woman President in our upcoming 2016 election.

We, in the Second Franklin District, have done much work over the last several years to build capacity, gain support and partnerships to advance our region, influence policy and garner state and federal investments by working together to advance citizen engagement of the Democratic Party, the Democratic Platform, the Democratic Candidates and of all our elected officials. Democrats believe in and work to advance the common good of all people and communities.

Let's continue to engage and expand the involvement to insure improved engagement, impact and understanding of the Democratic Candidates, policy issues, party and platform and that we together GET OUT THE VOTE to elect leaders that understand and are champions of people and communities. In general, Democrats, at the end of the day, have the greater good's (the 99%) best interest as the agenda.

We have one of the most experienced and prepared candidates seeking the office of President of the United States in Hillary Rodman Clinton. Additionally, she is clearly a champion for people versus big business and wealthy special interests. “Everyday Americans need a champion. I want to be that champion,” states Hillary Rodham Clinton

We know that the strength of our democracy is dependent on the engagement of thoughtful citizens. We all have a role to advance a healthy democracy and a vibrant and sustainable future. Electing the best person and leader as our next President is one on many actions you can take to make a positive difference for this and future generations.

Come and learn about Hillary, this historical campaign and see how you can be part of advancing this country and making history by helping elect Hillary in 2016.

Please invite others, especially invite young family members and friends to experience civics in action and to help make history.

If you need additional information and want to become involved please call Katherine Erwin 978.821.4758, Linda Oldach 978.249.6893 or Denise Andrews 513.780.0538

To learn more visit


Bumper sticker wisdom: If the 99% voted the 1% would not matter!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
M. Mead

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