Paul working for you.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The real story, the whole story.


  1. funding, as in money, from which contractors can be used and used. I guess the money is found or are the contractors lost?
    I hope the people who support the use of chapter 90 money know enough to not give it all to contractors who are at best overpaid. People voted no for a override at the poles and many know the work the highway dept. does with the excavator.
    Why would they make a motion at ATM?
    Some day Jeff Bennett will see the whole story and then tell the whole story.
    That may be some time as using this blog unlike for what his father used was not free.
    If Jeff had a real story why not the Gardner news?
    The Highway has helped the sewer/water and many other departments. Just the Senior center alone would come close to paying for the equipment. That's only half the story your not told. It's all about the money and to throw it away with contractors is way more expensive by far.
    If there is no need for a new Excavator why would the old one be so worn out?
    Look at the tar at the highway barn area. Not much chapter 90 money used there, it could be. Building upgrades?
    Better safer equipment equals less chance of a accident/accidental death of a town employee. Hard to argue the money isn't there to purchase what's needed when that is what the chapter 90 money is for.

Perhaps the real story is the fact at the last selectmen's meeting, it was revealed that the $100,000.00 figure was the cost of maintenance for ALL town vehicles, not just highway equipment. If that is the fact, why were we told for months, before and after Town meeting that the Town was spending 100K on maintenance for highway equipment? Perhaps the whole story is this was miscommunication (the politically correct) or the old fashion lie, deceit, deceiving. However one wishes to view it, a question of how or why was that information put out over and over from at least March until the last BOS meeting without a correction or clarification, with Dave Smart and Bud Chase present for at least one prior meeting where the 100K figure was put out. I think the larger issue may be that Templeton residents will look at this as one more reason to vote no on any overrides or debt exclusions. And the recent Gardner News article on excavator failed to mention the 100 thousand dollar maintenance miscue, interesting. Perhaps that completes the whole story?

Jeff Bennett


  1. Is it a fact only the 100 k is the only source for the cost to maintain the Highway department fleet?
    Jeff would have you believe it is.
    Once again the story he tells is incorrect.
    As Jeff knows not to ask people who know the WHOLE story he tells his parts.
    If ever contacted the people mentioned above would be glad to help with any questions and get the whole story for you.
    Would the whole story fit your agenda Jeff?
    If anyone wants to know they/you just need to ask.
    Before you attack.

  2. Well Dave, perhaps you can tell us what my agenda is, since you seem to know it. So what part of the 100K is incorrect? I believe I can look into articles in The Gardner News where this figure was mentioned as the cost to maintain highway equipment. I believe I can look at videos of BOS meetings where that figure was put out by the Town Administrator and you were at the last selectmen meeting where that figure was again put out, until Bud was questioned by selectmen Brooks about a breakdown and it was then that Bud Chase stated that the 100K was the cost to maintain ALL Town vehicles and not just highway equipment. So Dave, what part have I gotten wrong so far? Since you like to use those words, the real story, the whole story, the rest of the story, perhaps you can tell us the whole story right here, on this blog! You indicate you know the whole story so why not tell here, you know like your uncle said, to keep residents informed. Personally, I am not to convinced, for when I asked you for the whole story concerning the road grader, as in the past 5 years, how many times had it been broke, what was broke and the cause and how much to fix. You stated you could not get that info, so how we gonna now get the whole story? So Dave, before you "attack" light and water any more, can you get us the real, whole story from over there too?

  3. The Gardner News. Now theres a powerful fact source. The 100 k has always been refered to as the highway equipment account. Part of it was returned to make the books under your watch balance. Along with the salaries account.All of the money to meet the shortfall for the towns money wows. Remember!
    When i started the fleet money was not spent on police equipment and most was consumed on the highway fleet. Bud may have call it as used only on highway but i'm sure he meant on the town fleet as a whole. We service all the trucks we highway use in plow operations. Some repairs are done out of other departments by there own choice. Bud has no control over the departments with commissions and what they want for service/repairs. Your agenda Jeff seems to me to bash the highway and pick apart any and all doings good and bad for the sake of recognition of doing it. That would be my opinion and add a twist of lime if thats your goal. Drink up! If you didn't notice you don't have many who want to post comments but me. There are many who would like to but this forum is not appropriate for them to use. I've heard them.
    Put your request in at the highway department office for info about grader and you'll get it. Use your time the way you want and i'll use mine the way i feel it's useful. You may say you do it to keep people informed but i for one have to wonder.
    To put out the WHOLE story would need total input. You don't seem to have that total input Jeff. Questions get that total input like at the Light and Water commission meetings. Ask Question before the attack. I did and recorded the answers so people would know the facts.
    Your 10 minute ride by with no questions Jeff on a weekend was far from accurate. But you were able to make your point if it was were less of a department with less of a crew.

  4. Speeking of water department,there seems to be a water leak in the road on conte ave now i'll go take a looksee!
