Paul working for you.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Visit the NRA "Freedoms safest place "

            As we all watch the leaders in office jump to the conclusion it's the guns not the people.
Please take a moment and watch these meaningful video clips and soon you will join to help each other.
                  Follow the link or visit NRA.ORG the stronger we are the "safer" we'll be.

                             Train, arm and be ready to protect your family,friends and country.

                                             WHO ELSE WILL!

1 comment:

  1. Tashfeen Malik, wife of San Bernadino, Calif., gunman Syed Rizwan Farook, is believed to have posted online her pledge to Islamic State's top leadership on or around the time she and her husband murdered 14 people attending an office party, U.S. government sources tell Reuters.
