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Tuesday, May 17, 2016


A comment from the Zero Hedge Blog: As Insurance Losses Mount so do refusals....

gladius17's picture

Level 1:
Josh Earnest tells us unemployment is lower than ever and Obama is doing a great job.

Your reaction: Lying assholes; none of these polls or statistics can be trusted. Yet some people trust them, surprisingly.

Level 2:
Goldman Sachs and friends say gold is shit, don't buy it.

Your reaction: Lying assholes; these public mouthpieces say one thing while secretly doing another. Remarkably, some people actually believe them.

Level 3:

 Suddenly LGBT bathrooms are a huge concern for everyone.

Your reaction: Lying assholes; this is a another distraction to keep the peons occupied and divided against one another. Incredibly, it seems to be working.

Level 4:
"Panama papers" appear out of nowhere naming many of Rothschild's enemies, but no Chosen Ones(TM), and virtually nobody of importance in the USA.

Your reaction: Lying assholes. This is an NWO hit piece. And yet, alarmingly, it was believable enough to result in at least one anti-NWO prime minister being deposed.

Level 5:
Trump appears on scene, marketed as anti-Establishment, savior of America, etc. Spends zero dollars on advertising because his arch enemy the news media gives him free coverage 24/7. The Establishment, which has ruled this country in particular and the Western world in general for hundreds of years, which has successfully framed, blackmailed, threatened, shamed, ridiculed, exposed, destroyed, and/or straight up murdered countless millions of people in its psychopathic quest for total world domination over the past several centuries, seems completely powerless to stop him. All of their inept and ineffective attacks are surprisingly found to be inept and ineffective, time and time again.

Your reaction: Lying assholes. Every organ of the Establishment is obviously working overtime to ensure Trump wins in the court of public opinion, prelude to an engineered win at the electronic Diebold voting booth, by mindfucking the average right winger in the exact same way the left wing retards were duped in 2008 with Obama. The illusion wouldn't be nearly as powerful without the chorus of every notable asshole, shitbag politician, and commiefag in America chiming in to loudly denounce Trump and take cheap shots against him. Sadly, and predictably, most people simply aren't wise enough to see through the charade, as their masters understand all too well.

The EU and the USA are both underdoing a rapid and hard shift to the right, as planned by those who loosed uncontrolled immigration, "Muslim" terrorism, ISIS, etc on us to spread havoc and fear, triggering our tribal instincts and causing the people of Western countries to demand strong, hard leaders...just in time for World War 3 to begin, as scheduled.

They may even throw Hitlary in a dungeon after all, to serve as an example to anyone else who forgets their place. Bill probably won't miss her. He looks like a walking corpse and probably isn't long for this world, anyhow. With the Clintons gone, a lot of dark secrets and dirty laundry die with them. In fact, with the right "terror" attack, a lot of dirty hands instantly get washed clean. How much evidence and how many witnesses live in or near Chicago, or can be persuaded to gather there, and how upset would everyone be if that city were to just.......disappear? Say, later this year or next.

Trump is the Establishment's perfect war president, and when this war ends as it inevitably will with total destruction and dismemberment of the former USA, he's the patsy who will be blamed for it all, not such beloved figures as Josh Earnest the pathological liar, Eric Holder the office holder, Loretta Lynch the hangman, Christine LaGarde the petrodollar guard dog, General Breedlove who breeds war and destruction, Ash Carter who carts the ashes, Vicky Nuland who's in charge of the new tribal holdings in Ukraine, Huma Abedin who aided and abetted Hillary's criminal activity, Andrew Lack the lackey, James Foley the foley, or various other actors and actresses who have all played their roles admirably in this great big drama. 

So which level are you, Zeroheads? Do you really know what's up, or are you just being played like fools, yet again?


  1. Think about this!! Who would leave the running of their Town to as little as 40 people ?? Was the death of service men over the years in vain ? So you don't care, or is it the cop out, they will do what "they" want to anyway. Oh yes, lets just leave the fox in the chicken yard, and run, but don't look back. Like Bart says, "people will get the government they deserve".

  2. Trump scares the shit out of all the politicians. That's why he has so many vote.
    I look at it this way. We have tried and failed to elect someone who does what they say for the votes they get. Trump may do what he say's or may not.
    What do we have to loose if Hillary gets in?
    The First!
    The Second!
    How many amendments could her party want.
    They are telling you now but do you listen?

    Do your country a big favor!!!
    Save Freedom
    Stop Hillary
    I plan to help with my Trump vote.
    Ask a military person who they support and why.
    Save Freedom!
    It's what this country is all about our Freedom!
    I hope you all understand this.
