Paul working for you.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Lying Liars

 Lying Liars

Please read :

They lie at every level of government.

On the local level - 
"You will never get this level of reimbursement form the State"  

"Gotta vote for the elementary school now. The cost will go up!"

News Flash! Templeton will never get the rate of reimbursement from the State that you were told - the Elementary School project was sold to the taxpayers using fraudulent data on many levels - including reimbursement from the State.

The elementary school project was sold to the taxpayers at a reimbursement base rate of 63.19 %  (remember the $1.74 per thousand figure impact on the tax rate?)

The effective rate of reimbursement for the Templeton Elementary School Building Project is 48.2 %.

So who makes up the difference? 
We do! 
The taxpayers! 

A Quote From :

Does the state’s school building reimbursement formula hurt poor cities and towns?

"Brooks noted that school building projects must be approved by town taxpayers, and cost can be a deciding factor, particularly for towns with a small tax base. “That’s when these projects die, when a community can’t see paying for that debt,” she said."

And to think the good voters of Templeton saddled the town with all this debt, based on LIES  and deceit to build an elementary school on a piece of property that is too small, AND without the Town of Templeton having a bond rating.

Must be the fluoride in the water making people stupid, 'cause genetics would take a lot longer.


  1. Indeed it could be the fluoride. The Bashash Study has shown a decrease in IQ of 5-7 points when the expectant mother has a urinary fluoride level of just 1.5mg/L of fluoride. We have been fluoridating our water since 1951 so that is three generations with a potential IQ drop of 15-21 IQ points go figure.

  2. Seems funny that the young people who "had to have" this school are now moving out of town, and taking their kids with them ! So who will attend this eye sore ? Ironic that it was Advisory Committee members who brought you the State figures that showed a decrease in children living in the Town of Templeton ! Another major blunder that will cost $$$.
