Paul working for you.

Friday, June 1, 2012

252 Baldwinville Rd

This just in…

I just received an electronic copy of the Phase II  21E for 252 Baldwinville Rd. Click on the link.

Keep Blogging!


  1. Well, well, well, I mean deep "boring" well & Hmmm? Now, why wasn't this done BEFORE the purchase of 252 Bald. Rd. ? Most of these documents look to be dated May 2012. The earliest date I saw on any of those pages of the "LIMITED" Phase ll 21E was April 26, 2012. Did they just do this for the Thursday, May 31, 2012 GNews article or was that the date it was received completed? Do I have the dates correct or was it just for show to say see we did test the soil? Little late for that isn't it?? I see in that Gnews article, according to G. Skelton, he feels so sorry that some members put in 5 to 7 years worth of "hard work" on the MBC & felt it was all for nothing, Ha! What EXACTLY did they do ALL THOSE YEARS that was so hard? I don't mean to belittle any work or position but, I think we should know what they did that was so very hard during that time?? Then Mr. Stewart says in this same article that it looks like we will have to get a new MBC & just start over. That is ridiculous, in my opinion. We now have an already paid for town owned vacant bldg. sitting there just waiting to be used. All these feasibility studies are costly & don't amount to jack! Remember how much they spent on the last one. Think of how many rooms you could do over for that. We have done enough wasteful spending so now let's just get to refurbishing the East Templeton Elementary School with local help (create some jobs here) & then get to using an all inclusive town office building. Now what is so hard about that? Why do we have to get back to the all the hard work in searching for a new location for a New bldg. Again, it does not have to be brand new! Get that, all you out of touch, living in your own world, "Gotta Have" people! Simple solution here. Good location, lots of parking, lots of rooms to redo for everyone to have their own office. If the children have been allowed to go to school there everyday for many many years then all is okay, no more wasted study fees. Put that money into refurbishing & upgrading this space to make a great facility for all town office employees. Notice how easily, as I said before, this side gets all the teary-eyed focus in the Snews paper? Geez, spare me & a lot of others, PLEASE! Maybe with our new leadership there will be more sensibility & less time & money wasted on feasibility!!! And these are all my opinions. Thank for your consideration. I would like to see more opinions on this. I may be missing a lot of details but at least I am trying to sort through this mess & ask pointed questions. Thank you & have good day.

    1. Well, Well! Write your own lines. This is the stuff Julie, Jeff and the rest of us have been writing for months. Bev

    2. Bev, I wouldn't think you would want to shoot at your allies that are reaffirming all that has been said by you & others, including myself. No where do I take sole credit for any ideas that are stated anywhere. However, since I went to that E.T. Grammar school eons ago, it happened to come to my mind, actually right after that Well paid self-interest superintendent decided to be Queen & close it down on her say so. Anyway, I have given credit to you & all you mentioned numerous times!! I have also said nice things about all you have done in this effort (& still feel that way whole-heartedly). Plus, I have enjoyed your saying "it will all come out in the wash" but, see this battle has everyone even more on edge than probably most (not involved) can imagine. I am Quite battle-worn & weary myself. Have a great day everyone!

  2. well said is speach

  3. 252 21e clean,senior center dirt pcb@3ppm and ok what next can we soon say a threefor? when does graves test all the questionables in their areas?

  4. A full evaluation would be our first step! Hopefully by an independent with a background with old time restoration,Templeton needs a project that works out for the long term and does'nt turn into a lawn like the last shcool/town office did. Mold expert,Air quality for expansion, prior to anything getting done!Vote for and get taxpayers backing to do this and be on same page!We have been on the bad side of everything why start without doing these things first. Committee after, and a public folder yes "public" folder. At the MB Web site. With a suggestion box so we get it done the way we want it done!

  5. Where is that darn folder gerry?Whats in it gerry,turn over the evidence, we'll need it soon!In my/our opinions. Did I here keys anyone?

  6. Really, why couldn't this test have been done before now, like before purchase? What was the big deal? Why couldn't the rules have been followed a long time ago? Maybe there would have been more support for the project. Public Relations are a key factor in a municipal project. Well, at least we know now that this land can be used by the town or can be sold. It would make a good site for the new police station--centrally located in the town and close to highway. There is possibly grant money available for building a police station. This may give the idea of building an elementary school in Templeton Center a better shot at being possible since it hinged on where to move the police. If none of these ideas are good, how about a future community center once other projects are completed? Or sell it (to who?) and put whatever money we get towards another town hall or put it into the stabilization fund or towards paying off the long term debt or towards the $600k loan for failed town hall.

    (Anonymous #15)
    Since the Muni Bldg Committe has been disbanded, ALL paperwork should have been turned in the next day after the vote. Has this happened? If it hasn't, that is wrong.

  7. Yes, some of these studies are very important for people's health & safety. But just a "sensible" evaluation would be prudent with a totally Independent (agreed) firm with NO ties to this community whatsoever. Then we hire people that live here to do the actual restoration. Oh, as far as the mold goes, I used to sit in a previous employer's cellar shop (when I was very young) & Work hard all day long. There was all kinds of mold (and who knows what other air borne things, lol) that I most likely breathed in all the time working there for several years & never got sick from it. It was an extremely Old building & we did our work & never gave it another thought. While I certainly concede to the fact that this is not really the greatest idea to be working in that kind of environment, I think way too much has been made out of the mold issue. There are several kinds of mold but most are not that harmful, according to research I have read on the subject. Loose asbestos is another issue that is quite serious but there are safe ways to get rid of that, as well. My grandfather worked in a foundry a good portion of his life & had absolutely no protection using "sheets" of asbestos with loose fibers "flying around" that they lined stove doors with. They didn't know the long term hazards then. It did affect his health but not until years later (and we'll all get something sooner or later). But, now we know what to do about that particular substance to prevent adverse health issues from "cropping" up in the future. Anyway, my long way around the issue again, I agree that we better get that Independent inspection or it will be nothing but "burnt tinders & cinders" like the school in Otter River which, in my opinion, "got in someone's way" because it might have blocked the quest to get that Brand New facility "that we just had to have"!! Is that what we do here now, in Templeton, if someone or something gets in a few people's way?? What have we come to??? Some have stooped so low as to threaten others when "needed" & "forced" us to be slaves to this "regime". How dark is the side that is still operating in, what I believe to be, a Clandestine fashion. We need to keep our eyes & ears fixed on this situation, then report to Pauly's blogsite, as several caring people in town already have. Do NOT assume that those that have caused us great hardship, pain, pushed us close to bankruptcy & state receivership, are going to go away "easily". In my opinion, there are some very vindictive NASTY people still "lurking" about, ready to strike in the night or at any given moment. Why do you think I don't sleep at night or had to have EXTRA SECURITY added to my surroundings. I am not being paranoid but, more cautious these days. And if we don't stay on this without fear, we will NEVER have a say again about anything in Templeton. I have only told reader's a small portion of what I went through years ago. When I say, we are not dealing with Nice people here that is not just a thought but a reality! I am not living in fear, as someone suggested (but more scrutiny) because I have actually been a "victim" of these people that I speak about! This is Not conjured up stuff! Ask the writer, who related in a previous blog, that they lost everything here in Templeton due to corruption!! Yes, there are others, who I feel, are still very afraid (understandably) to come forward to tell their sad stories of the "corruption game" here in town. Disclaimer: Remember, ALL My opinions here! Please draw your own conclusions from everyone's blogs. Thank you for reading & contributing. We need more people to submit their thoughts, views & suggestions. Do not be afraid, Pauly is here!! Thank you Pauly for this forum.

    1. All good points, Isteach. As a stupid taxpayer, I don't really know how to read the report and I don't know anything about the company that did the testing. Do people feel this a BS report?

      And you bring up a subject I've often wondered about...what was the final report on why that building in Otter River burned down? I never really heard the "real" story on that incident. Anyone care to educate?

      (Anonymus #15)

    2. Oh, I couldn't agree you you more, Anonymous #15!!!!

    3. OMG, this whole Saga has got me "stuttering". LOL...Although most of this is Not funny, we have to try to get some levity where we can, so I left the comment above for you all to enjoy!! Anyway, I couldn't agree with you any more than I already do about that subject #15. Feels like Star Trek or Star Wars, #15. Goodness knows I feel a bit "spacey" from this whole ordeal. LOL But, don't let that fool you, evil ones, we know what we are saying & doing & again, as Bev says, it will all come out in the wash!!!

  8. As I said, all my blogs are BASED on actual events that occurred during those years that Pauly has been questioning for some time now! Please be careful & notice anything unusual with the "suspected perpetrators" Thank you again for considering what I have to say & again these are my thoughts & opinions gleaned from experience. There, as always, I have added my disclaimer. I don't expect everyone to take what I say as the the answer to everything that has happened these, at least, last 10 years. However, I do hope it makes you think & do your OWN investigating in order to be able to draw your own conclusions!

    Thank you Pauly for this creating this site & giving us a place to have some safety in numbers that have allowed those of us who were threatened & "bullied" into silence be able to speak again. Yes, blogger above, I think my name should have been Is Speach instead of Isteach. LOL .. I guess I am letting out years of surpressed speech!!! And as I also said previously, if anything happens to me, my family, property or anything else, it is well documented who the culprits most likely are & they will be investigated & hopefully someday soon, be brought to JUSTICE!!!...Have a good safe day everyone!

    1. Oh yes, and if any of you "hoodlums" decide to do anything vindictive. If you do, my only request is from a quote of a show years ago that used to say, "smile you're on candid camera" That will be great evidence for the prosecutors, right Pauly!! Thank you again & again for your dedication & as I said One person can make a Huge difference & you have Pauly. That goes for you too, Julie, Bob M., Jeff B. & all the other decent principled people working to "fix" Templeton!! Thank you all for your efforts. It's slow but, seeing results now. And Remember, those of you who have faith, continue to say your prayers. There is real power in this, also!! My opinions here, of course. :) Whew, way too much speech has been pent up for far too long. Sorry about that people but seems I am getting it out lately. Thanks to Pauly, I don't need therapy now. But, maybe because of my long blogs the rest of you do. LOL.. Anyway, for those of you who do read them & consider what I have to say, Thank you, too!!!

  9. Someone told me that Bob Columbus sent letters to elected officials in Ashburnham about Tammy C after she took the job there and that he even went as far as showing up in the Ashburnham Town hall. Previously he had sent emails to the Ashburnham/westminster school superintendent regarding their employee Julie Farrell - this is only a small sampling of what these people are like.

    1. Oh, what tangled webs we weave when we practice to deceive!! Right, Booby baby. Just another thought & opinion of mine from the "peanut gallery to the other side's NUT gallery" LOL ... Oh well, if you're going to do these underhanded things that he is doing, then he'll have to face what comes his way. But, it will all come out in the wash, right Bev! Today is a good day for a thorough rinsing!! Take a step outside BC & get that cleansing you are so in need of :) Again, my opinion, thanks very much.

  10. To Anonymous-
    Mr. Columbus did deliver copies of emails he obtained from my e-mail account to the superintendent of schools and the chairman of the school committee where I work.

    In March of 2010, right after Tammy filed her complaint against BC, my principal asked to speak with me. I met with my principal after I finished teaching my class. my principal started the conversation with "Do you know a Robert Columbus?" It went downhill from there.

    The e-mails BC felt compelled to deliver to the Supt. of schools and the chairman of the school committee, were obtained from the DOR when they were were working on the Financial management review. These e-mails were from my private hotmail account. Because these e-mails were from my private account to a public agency, they are public record. These e-mails were not obtained through me.

    Mr. Columbus was alleging that I was using my hotmail account during school time. What Mr. Columbus failed to understand is that if I am home on a sick day, I do not need anyone's permission to access my e-mail accounts on my home computer.

    To this day, I believe BC was trying to get me fired. I don't believe BC was motivated to do what he did out of concern for the taxpayers in two other towns. I filed a complaint against BC on this issue. It was in the BOS office. I guess K&P is handling it now. ...going on two years.

    It was not a coincidence that BC made his contact right after Tammy filed her complaint. He was trying to get me to back off pursuing a hearing/investigation regarding her complaint.

    Just another day in Paradise!

    Julie Farrell

    1. When giving my e-mails to my employer didn't work Mr. Columbus filed an Ethics complaint against me using the same documents. Mr. Columbus really wanted Ethics to find me guilty and fine me $10,000. More come on that issue later today.

  11. Yes, It would appear that K&P is handling this! Or at least I concur with you on that suspicion & being only my opinion, I submit to readers, to refer to my blog regarding the ethics complaint on J. Farrell. See how quickly the Ethics Commission contacted her! That action was swift, I believe, in comparison to the one against BC!! Didn't take anywhere near 2 years for you to get a letter from them, did it Julie? And the complainants here had to really stretch on finding something to complain about her on. I think it was something such as distributing info, regarding public information in a public area, not necessarily designated for that or some similar thing. Anyway, it was something absolutely ludicrous they complained about & was clearly an attempt to shut her up from getting that info out, as well as, getting her in trouble with the commission. Seeing who is suspectedly connected now it isn't hard to grasp any of this, is it?! No wonder BC has felt he could do anything he wants with that kind of back-up!! Oh, and as talented as he is, with the way he can swing, raise & slam a gavel, then tell you to shut up at your Own town meeting, I don't believe that he is intelligent or savvy enough to have figured out how to check or get that DOR info via Julie's hotmail account whether public availabilty or not. I strongly suspect someone else got all that for him & gave him directions to the Superintendent at Mrs. Farrell's school. The instructor to BC probably said, now here is what you say & do Bob, as he replies, yah Boss!! Of course by now, you all know I am stating my opinion & going on speculation but, as we mentioned lawyers, I absolutely have to put in my disclaimer, sorry. All my blogs are my opinion. No where am I accusing anyone of anything. I am just exercising my 1st amendment right while I still have it again for the time being!! I respectfully ask that you take what we blog here & make up your own mind. Thank you for reading what we have to say! Anyone who can, we ask that you help us put these puzzle pieces together as requested, a while back, by another blogger. All things will be considered, I'm sure. Pauly, as well as, the rest of us are watching & waiting daily for "new" details to come in. Try to get some rest everyone. I will stay awake, as usual, for all of us. LOL

  12. In my opinion the law firm of K&P likes to work with people of self interest like those who headed the MBC. While elected politicians of self interest are taking what ever they can get their hands on K&P are taking care of their self interests. This type of self motivated politics often does not work out well for the majority of people in a town or city and certainly hasn't worked out well here in Templeton. With over 1/3 of the cities and towns in Massachusetts using K&P, Mr. Kopelman has his hand on the pulse of the State. When it is time to appoint new town counsel Templeton should think twice before reappointing this law firm. My own experience with K&P down at the WWTP (Case 02-2424C) was something out of "The Shining" where we thought we had a firm we could trust but it turned out the "caretakers" were working for someone else. Here's Johnny!!!!

  13. Once again, there is enough Tension all around town without having it amongst ourselves! When you are "fighting" on the same side you need to be as supportive as possible to those who have the same True & Honest convictions as you do. There are going to be moments when things are misunderstood especially when it is done via emails, blogging, postings that don't show the emotions, tone of voice, feelings of the sender. It is limited in what you can say & how you try to convey it in the written word. Please try to be gentle with each other especially to your "comrades in arms". I am sure I will probably get "tagged" for this expression. I know it's hard sometimes to keep a cool sense about when there is so much that has gone wrong. As I said in a comment above, I feel a bit battle worn from all this myself. Hope you are all getting some rest in between your hard work. Thank you to all who have done so much in the task of "exposing" the corruption that has gone on here in Templeton. Be well & keep safe in everything you continue to do. Thank you ever so much, everyone!!!
