Paul working for you.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


CITIZENS 4 TEMPLETON are planning a fund raiser for the Fontaine family (Tuna & Cindy) to help with all the expenses they have had to incurred  with their daughter being in the hospital. If anyone would like to help we are meeting at Bev's Camp @ 12 Club Rd (Templeton Fish & Game) Sunday July 1st at 3:00PM Please park at the club house.


  1. I know that I have had my fill of people I love in the hospital these last two months - It sets ones life into a tailspin! If anyone would like to donate anything for the raffle please email Pauly or put a comment here. We are also looking for businesses to donate. if anyone would like to ask them, that would help too. ex. C O & S will donate an free inspection sticker and a free oil change. Pauly and I are doing up a gift basket. How about it people - I know some of you local business owners read Pauly's Blog. lol
    Anonymously Sue

  2. Pauley & Sue,

    Count me in for a gift basket for the fundraiser.


  3. Hi Pauly & Sue, Left something on the picnic table for the raffle. Hope it will help some. Pray you are feeling better every day. Have a good weekend & try to stay cool, isteach

    1. It is beautiful! What an awesome donation for the raffle! Thank you isteach

    2. You're very welcome, Pauly, & thank you for your kind words! Hope it all goes well & is a successful raffle to help them out. Very nice of you to do that for them. That's what life should be about, helping others in need. That "ruthless gang" here in town should take a lesson from you. Blessings, isteach :)

    3. just so everyone knows - CITIZENS 4 TEMPLETON is doing this fund raiser! a bunch of great people who care about our town and the people in it!!!!!! We'll let everyone know when and where it will be (we have a planning meeting scheduled for Sunday July 1 at 3:00PM at Bev's Camp 12 Club Rd Templeton Fish & Game club. anyone is welcome to come and help us plan - keep those donations coming. And a big thanks to Bill Wiita (Laurie's hubby) and the Factory Coop who promised a donation!! you people all all wonderful - without you all, this Blog would be nowhere!!

    4. Okay, It's nice of everyone of the Citizens 4 Templeton to do that for Tuna & Cindy, with you still included Pauly. That "bad bunch" would do well to take the lesson from you all, then!! Hope it goes superbly!!

  4. How about that Mailman Bob signin us a tune or two at the event. I love that live music feelin and good local talent. I believe he may even have a Tuna song in his bag of tunes,so I hear.

    1. Hmmmmm - I'll have Sue ask him the next time he delivers mail to 2 School St.
