Paul working for you.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Will the pendulum swing too far?

Will the pendulum swing too far?
In my opinion, Andres Caamano, you should talk to more than two people before doing a story. I have often offered Mark Haranas to do a story with me PHC Sr on this subject. But I guess the Gardner news does not want to hear the other side of the story. The eyewitness side of the story. Not the third seat on the right as you enter the candlelight Café, stories-hee hee. I want to give Chris Stewart kudos
for saying it like it is about Mr. Ritter, and the other issues here in Templeton. First by slowing down that speeding train, Hoo boy. Why is Columbus always connected to a rail road job  whoops I mean the railroad speeding train? Even Chris Stewart doesn't know the truth about the whole story. But Chris is catching on just by listening to the people at the meetings and to people that don't know the whole story about why Mr. Ritter was hired in the first place. Go back a few months of Pauly’s Templeton watch or ask me PHC Sr and I will show anyone on paper what the true story is about. Your previous town coordinator if you did not witness it firsthand, then you need to be informed in layman's terms, and not just one of those things that happened here in Templeton, get it? The past DVDs don't lie and the people that make those DVDs do not edit. I have dozens of those DVDs at five dollars each and it's probably the best five dollars I ever spent for a piece of plastic and history of my town of Templeton. And to all the people in Templeton these issues did not start with that dismissal of your town coordinator, that issue was about eight years coming, yes eight years. And I have the information from those units and the year by year newspaper clippings and tape recordings of meetings and names and numbers. And on, Caamano’s review on page 3 of the June 6 Gardner news, Wilder says "K and P is doing a fine job" who is K &P doing a fine job for? For a while I thought the law firm of K &P took on two new liars I mean lawyers, Wilder and Columbus get it. Watch the DVDs without distraction like commercials, or VW butting in on taxpayers that are addressing the chair, right Julie? Being at the meeting-live is so disgusting that some people want to go up to the selectmen's table and puke on the three to the left, you know who? Boy am my getting carried away again with my opinions. After reading page 3 of the Gardner news June 6th and yes Mr. Ritter did admit to dropping the ball on the February special election. But it was taking care of in short order. Now hear this and hear it good-I always boast that I PHC Sr can find out anything I want about what goes on at 690 Patriots Rd. And I still can. Only a few of us taxpayers know how Ritter was treated at the 690 Patriots Rd. site and it's on paper that all this bullying and harassing started with Ritter before the town hired him. Yes, I PHC Sr have proof. Put Wilder and Columbus "under oath" and hear the truth about your elected officials and best friends with the former coordinator. They call it "nepotism". But let's get back to the review with Andre Caamano, it says Ritter had several other jobs before coming to Templeton. Well people here's my PHC Sr replied-I personally have not heard one bad word about Mr. Ritter from these so-called other towns. I know the laws about past employment issues. But I thought Ritter's position was done with process of elimination, other words one down three to go, two down two to go and Ritter was chosen, I was a witness. I PHC Sr asked with permission of course-Jeff Ritter a question in front of the DVD camera. And Mr. Ritter answered without stuttering. And my question to Mr Ritter was -if as a town of Templeton coordinator you were found to have been dishonest, what would you Mr. Ritter expect from the board of selectmen? Mr. Ritter replied to all in attendance and on DVD "to be reprimanded, with a warning or dismissal" end of story and Mr. Andres Caamano-no matter how you word your story it just never sounds right. Remember the recount issue, on your review? I have a good idea where you get all your information and it's not on the third seat on the right entering the candlelight Café. Those people, after a couple of beers might exaggerate a little-but they don't out right lie and degraded a person in print. So my suggestion to you is get a good editor for your review, you need one. At the bottom of your review in the fourth column, in choosing to bring Stewart back on a one-year deal, didn't you mean Mr. Ritter? With all those six positions, or didn't you understand VW or BC or were you also being nagged like Jeff Ritter to print the review, in my opinion that is the way it was. Thanks for reading and.


  1. In my opinion Chris Stewart hit the nail right on the head when he commented that Jeffrey Ritter has not been given a fair chance to do the job of Town Coordinator. Ms Skelton had the job for a long time and brought what I believe to be much discord to that position. Having a town coordinator who looks out for all of Templeton's citizens needs instead of their own self interest as may have been the case with the Red Barn people will be a refreshing change of pace.

  2. Mr Caamano I don't know where you got your information, but I know you are heading for a lawsuit. You owe our Jeff Ritter a BIG APOLOGY on the front page of the Gardner News. Ms Bell may want to know why you did not check your facts. I think you should check with your sources, and if just got them from an anonymous phone call you might want to tell the Wilder/Columbus/Mullins/skelton crew - to get their facts right. Have you read our Mr. Ritters resume - anonymous #9

  3. Mr. Caamano, I don't understand how the Gardner News would not print a well-written letter from Mr. Elwell that was not attacking anyone on either side of politics in Templeton but you can state derogatory things about Mr. Ritter in your column and be argumentive with Chris Stewart and your editor let's you get away with this. Maybe a lawsuit is in the offering. How about it Attorney Sans, you are on the Board of the paper, don't you object to such one-sided topics by your columnist and reporters who are "I REPEAT"so one sided it is disheartening to see this in a local paper. We sure don't get our 75 cents worth! Not even 2 cents.

    1. It is time for Ms. Bell to call you Mr. Caamano and Mr. Haranas into her office and then show you both the door. I do not understand how the two of you can have any pride in your work, with the one sided articles you spit out. Thank goodness for the internet. Without Paulys Blog, the residents of Templeton would have no way to know the truth about what has been going on for almost a year. You have done a huge disservice to the people in our area. When enough people get fed up and the paper is gone, I hope you remember this is your fault. When you go down, you will take alot of good people with you. What ever you have gotten in return for betraying Ms. Bell and the readers of the paper, I hope it is worth it in the end. Mr Ritter is just a nice man who was looking for a job. He walked into a conflict that was none of his doing. You have failed to check out your facts and have said some awfull things that this good man does not deserve. I hope you both are proud of your selves. You both need to give him a front page apology. Don't come looking for recomendation from any of us, it will never happen. This is my opinion Bev.

  4. Mrs. Bell is not innocent, the paper has been going down hill since she took over many years ago, It is her who decided what got printed and what didn't. She was more concerned about her young childrens silly articles getting printed than serious,local events. Under her control, Breaking news took 3 days to see print in TGN, Local fatal accidents could not be on the front page because people might get "shocked" at the news. Mrs. Bell drove the paper into the ground so don't expect any help from her, TGN is now the way she wants it to be. AND @ .75 now it will fail even more.

    1. Maybe I have given Ms Bell too much leeway. This winter I figured she had left town and did not know what these kids were doing. If she has condoned this behavor, shame on her. On this blog I have asked, questioned, why would anyone with any integrity allow this kind of reporting. What these kids have written has been false, one sided crap. They have allowed this soap opera to go on too long. Now they are not going to happy until they fan the fire again. Virginia needs to quit, not tomorrow, not next week , I mean today. She has done nothing but make the problems in town worse. Time has come for everyone to tell her so. Thanks, Bev You know the drill, this is my opinion.

  5. First, Virginia said she voted in support of seeking bids for town counsel, to research and explore other options. Then, in the same article, she stated that she wouldn't vote for any firm other than K+P. Thanks for the open-minded approach; the town will really benefit from your objective perspective.
