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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Fluoride News

 Fluoride News


The most convenient way to protect yourself and your family from the effects of sodium fluoride in drinking water is to use a water purification system that can remove most contaminants and sodium fluoride.
Reverse osmosis and water distillers are usually recommended for removing sodium fluoride. You may also want to look into Natural Action Technologies Structured Water systems. Structured water is healthier than tap water because its molecules are more active, making it more energetically alive, fresh, and vibrant.

If you are interested in portable water purification systems that can remove sodium fluoride, I recommend the Berkey water filtration system. Make sure you purchase its PF-2 fluoride filters. These filters are needed to filter out fluoride.

I do not recommend buying cheap water filters from your local retail stores. These filters do a poor job removing water contaminants, especially sodium fluoride. Bottled water and filtered water from your local stores are also not as purify as they should be, unless they are purified with activated alumina filters or reverse osmosis technology.

By using a water filtration system that can filter out sodium fluoride, you are taking a big step to protect your health from the dangers of sodium fluoride. After you stop consuming sodium fluoride, your head should be clearer, allowing you to think better. If you suffer from dental fluorosis, your teeth should start to look whiter after a few months of not consuming sodium fluoride.

1 comment:

  1. The Town of Templeton has allowed its Board of Health and State of Massachusetts to poison its citizen's since 1951. It has been said that Mr. Young at the time was vocal in his opinion that fluoride was a poison and did not belong in the water. If you stay home and don't come to town meeting to do something about this travesty you will continue to be poisoned. When will the time come when you develop the courage to do something to improve the lives of yourself, your family and your friends?
