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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Scary Ideas? Since when?

Scary Ideas? Since when?

So this GE commercial, you know "GE brings good things ..." was originally aired in 2014. So why bring it back after the presidential election in 2016? Why air this commercial during the Pats game on Sunday night? Look how nicely the blue and the red colors merge into purple. This evokes a feeling of unity. 

Remember "Unity in the Community"? 

How's that working out for you? 

1 comment:

  1. Unity in the community, oh sounds great ! It is to bad the selectmen do not practice what they preach. Why do I still have a picture of Julie giving a presentation to the members of the BOS in a clear sensible manner, a message anyone should have understood, but believe it or not, they didn't get it. What was the message ? To put a hold on hiring, to stop all projects until we have our books complete, and we know where we are financially. These were suggestions that the "superior board" chose not to follow. As a result the hole we are in is deeper than it was last May, especially after our "superior board" chose not to rescind the raises Mr. Markel handed out without the money available to cover them. Unity in the community sounds wonderful and I do think it could be accomplished if the game playing would stop. "We are elected and you are appointed" really means what ? Did the elected part give come with experience and knowledge for the job ? Sorry to say it doesn't. As with any new experience in life, sometimes it is best to learn and listen. There are plenty of people who have a wealth of knowledge in the community, so talk to them and learn...Better late than never.
