Paul working for you.

Friday, September 28, 2012

A View from the Desert

A View from the Desert

I see in the Gardner News that the Boards of Health from Barre and Templeton wish to regionalize inspection services> Isn't that just sweet, Phil Leger is currently Health Agent for both of those towns and it appears he wants to keep that sweet deal going. Remember that Phil is the one who got the sweet deal when he started and when others had their hours cut, Phil was right there with them talking about how we (employees) were already taking a hit on pay so please do not cut our benefits. All the while Phil was already getting more vacation, more time off and only working four days a week as it was. Phil was talking like he was being hurt but the cut backs when in fact he already was ahead of the game from day one. I still encourage taxpayers to find out where besides Templeton does Phil hang his hat and add up all the hours to see if he has time to do all of them. I have talked to a few contractors who say they have no problem getting intouch with Phil Leger, by cel phone, which means there is no way of knowing where Mr. Leger is when he is contacted by cel, he could be in Barre when he is suppose to be in Templeton. I see no reason why the taxpayers of Templeton should reward someone who has been taking advantage of them for a while already and is now trying to keep the gravy train rolling. Taxpayers should remember that they have the power of the dollar, as in the budget. Taxpayers should also remember that the Templeton Board of Health and Mr. Leger are the same ones who tried to let an employee who gave a notice to the town of Templeton, of leaving for another job and who had n fact already began a new job and was just going to be allowed to come back to work for Templeton with no advertising no application, just walk back in and collect pay, from taxpayers, as if the employee had never left. I don't believe this is the kind of supervisor or department head that Templeton or the taxpayers need to have working for them. As always, this is my opinion. Hope you taxpayers check this out and speak up.

Jeff Bennett


  1. Good old Phil has it "made big time" now that he had Dianna Morrison working in the BOH office. Gee, now he does not even have to answer the phone. Since the Animal inspectors job was cut on Black Friday, the town was going to get fined for not having anyone listed to do this. Dianna and I offered to do this job. Poor Phil could not fit it into his busy schedule! Oh my, the poor dear has it so tough, sorry {the tears are running down my face, sniff, sniff}, ok I'm better now. Now that "Lawyer Jeff" has flown the coop, who am I going to find to go under cover,{no not under the covers} to see where our poor Phil goes? We must have some ex GI Joe out there. I don't think the citizens mind paying for quality work, I know they don't like being taken advantage of. Bev.

  2. Good to hear from you Jeff. When I think of you I think of Smedley Butler the recipient of two Congressional Medals of Honor and his awakening to big money. It would be great to have you back here in town at the Selectmen meetings instead of fighting for World Zionism and the big corporations. Keep the insightful blogs coming and stay safe.

  3. Pete, shut the F/U or go stand in the corner and talk to the wall. You always throw this BS into every posting, Lets talk about Templeton's immediate problems and solutions!!!

  4. Dear Anonymous, it good to see you support free speech. I hope you have not cancelled your subscription to The Gardner News. I hope I speak for all when I mention that profanity does not make any of us look good on this site. I believe the endless war supporting World Zionism is a concern for all of us and an immediate problem but this is only my opinion and I will not hide that opinion using an Anonymous handle. Pete Farrell.

    1. Ok guys, every one has a opinion. If you don't like what someone says just don't read it. That simple. Bev.

  5. The Board of Health has a lot of power. They can negotiate the salary of the BOH agent...WITH Town meeting approval. Benefits can not be changed from what is in the Personnel policy that is currently in effect. I believe the May town meeting cut the money in the salary account of the agent and the assistant. Vacation and sick time should not be negotiated by the BOH. In my opinion I don't believe benefits can be legally negotiated by the BOH.

    I believe ONLY town meeting can approve a transfer of money between line items. Should be an interesting special town meeting in the Fall.
