TEMPLETON — With the defeat Friday of extra money for the Narragansett Regional School District, school officials are moving to the next step, which is a joint town meeting with Phillipston.

Phillipston and Templeton are the only two towns in the Narragansett Regional School District. On Friday at a special town meeting, Templeton voters defeated a request to add $561,371 to the $4,430,615 approved in May as Templeton's share of the regional school district budget. Phillipston approved its portion of the increased school budget at its annual town meeting in May. 

The Templeton money has been harder to come by. It has been defeated at two Proposition 2½ override votes and at a special town meeting.

The date of the joint town meeting has not been set. A joint meeting of the Regional School Committee and Templeton and Phillipston Boards of Selectmen has been scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Narragansett Regional Middle School auditorium to outline the process of the joint town meeting. At the joint boards meeting, Templeton and Phillipston selectmen are expected to be asked to agree on a town moderator for the joint town meeting. Templeton's town moderator is David Bergeron. Phillipston's moderator is Timothy Haley.

Without an override, if the extra regional school money is approved, Templeton would have to hold another town meeting to cut $561,371 from its general budget. If the school money fails, the School Committee, by a two-thirds vote, may call for a second joint town meeting. If the district does not have its School Committee approved budget ready by Dec. 1, the state could take over and order a budget figure.